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“Clear the other side of the road. I need to get my mate,” I tell him.

He nods, jumping in his car before turning the sirens on and pushing into the oncoming traffic while workers try to remove the busted light pole. He leaves his sirens on as I pull into the oncoming traffic that has begun to move to the shoulder of the road before coming up behind him and following behind his car as he forces the traffic to move.

Once I’m on a clear stretch, he moves over so I can overtake him. I press my foot down on the gas, heading for the council chambers. Yet, the closer I get, the more I feel the need to keep going. Passing the council chambers, I didn’t see her truck parked and curse, knowing where she went. There’s only one pack in the direction I feel the tether forcing me towards, and that’s Shadow Pack—her father's pack.

This woman will be the death of me.She’s going to give me a damn heart attack,I think as I race to get to her. Coming to the gated community, I slow down, but the guards aren’t posted like usual, and the boom gate has been smashed all over the ground; splintered wood in chunks litter the road. Fuck!

Shaking my head, I head toward the packhouse. After a few more minutes of me tearing up the blacktop, I arrive at Alpha John's street to find people lining it, all looking toward the packhouse. People jump out of the way of my car as I drive up the road. I soon find out why they’re staring.

Everly, Ava, and John are having a confrontation.

* * *


The men from the border patrol shift instantly, chasing after my car. I don't stop. Instead, I navigate around the suburb I haven't been through in years. I end up driving right past my old street, which is a cul-de-sac.

“Shit!” I curse. Slamming my foot down on the brake, my truck comes to a screeching halt before I shove it in reverse, making the border patrols chasing me skid along the road and scatter out of my way as I speed backwards. Spinning the wheel, I floor it again.

Howls ring out loudly, alerting pack members to the intruder. I laugh maniacally. I’m not an intruder but, by birthright, their true Alpha. Driving up the street, I begin to slow as déjà vu hits me. The street looks the same, the houses precisely the same. I pull into the driveway and hit the brakes just in time to avoid smashing into the ass end of my father's black Mustang parked in the driveway; my old beasty would have destroyed it. Not that I would have minded seeing my bull bar imprinted on its backend.

My father's guards circle around the car, growling and snarling, but I pay them no mind as I toss the door open and hop out.

I am furious—murderous, even. Never in my life have I been so damn angry. No one, not even Valen, has pulled anger out of me like this. It briefly comes to mind that maybe it’s years of pent-up anger, and my father is the tipping point that opened up the floodgates, inadvertently unleashing something else—my aura!

Slamming my door, I silently apologize to my beloved car for mistreating it. Wolves have circled it, but I can’t be bothered to engage with them. Recognizing me, or maybe recognizing my mate's pack scent—scratch that,mypack scent; I am their Luna now, making them also mine—they back up. I stalk around my car toward the front door, though their eyes track my every move. Stepping onto the lawn, the front door bursts open and my mother steps out, her shock dominating her features as she cups her mouth with her hands.

“Everly?” she murmurs as I move toward her, the men following at my heels, ready to protect their Luna if need be. My father's stomping footsteps are heard from outside as he storms through the house. The screen door creaks as it opens, and it bangs hard against the wall on the porch.

“What is the meaning of this, Everly? My border patrol said you smashed through my barriers?”

“No ‘hello’, Father?” I ask, stopping at the bottom steps as he stomps down them to stop in front of me.

“You have no business being here, Everly,” he booms, shaking a fist in anger at his side.

“I wouldn't be here except you signed my rejection letter for the fucking petition I handed in yesterday!” I yell back at him just as the door opens again, and I see Ava step out.

Oh, was she a defiant piece of work! Give him hell, sis! Ava waves her fingers at me, and I smirk as she strolls down the steps, slapping my mother's hands away as she tries to stop her. Ava smirks like she’s been waiting for this showdown all her life and wants a front-row seat.

“Get inside, Ava!” my father snaps at her as she walks past him to lean on the hood of his car. He growls at her when she doesn't listen.

“Sign the petition, Dad,” I tell him, diverting his attention away from her. He turns his head to glare at me and takes a step forward. The shock on his face when I don’t move makes his eyebrows rise and almost disappear into his hairline.

Ava laughs, falling into fits of giggles holding her stomach, and my father snarls at her before nodding to one of his men. That’s when I feel a strange tingling sensation rushing over me. I laugh at the realization that he tried to use his aura on me, and it had no effect whatsoever!

One of Dad's warriors, Lance, shifts back to grab Ava and drag her inside. Her shriek has me turning my head from my father to look at him.

“Donottouch my sister,” I warn him. When I see his hand reach for her arm, he freezes, glancing at my father, who waves him off.

“We can discuss this inside,” he says to me before turning his back on me and heading for the steps.

“No. Here will do, Alpha John,” I tell him, and he stops.

He pauses on the step as he turns to face me; my mother looks terrified behind him. He glances around the cul-de-sac, and I turn to see what he’s looking at. Pack members have flooded the sidewalk as they emerged from their houses to see the commotion. I shake my head.

Same shit all over again. All he cares about is his reputation and how he looks to others.

“This is a family matter, Everly. We will talk inside. No need to air our dirty laundry for the world to see,” he growls, his eyes flickering black.
