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“Don't hold your breath waiting for me, Father; I would hate for the challenge to be over before it starts,” I tell him, giving him a nod. He nods back before folding his arms across his chest, his face turning hard as he tries to hide whatever emotion he feels.

Climbing into my car, I start the engine, only for the passenger side door to open. I look at it to see my sister climbing in.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“What I should have done the day he banished you! I’m coming with you,” she says, clipping in her seatbelt.

I smile and start the car.

* * *

Watch Me

They might not see your vision, but they’ll witness the success. Remember, you’ve got the power to turn CAN’T into CAN and IMPOSSIBLE into DONE. So, as you turn dreams into reality, let the world be your audience and make them watch.
