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Shaking the memory away, I listen to the priest. When the service is finished, Kalen speaks to the lawyer and I watch for a second before turning on my heel and following Macey back to her car.

“Everly? Which one of you girls is Everly?” a deep voice calls out. We all stop, and I look back at the immaculately dressed man. He's an older gentleman, around Kalen’s age. Kalen’s lips are pressed in a line as he follows after the lawyer, who is practically jogging over to us.

“I am,” I tell him. He stops, holding out his hand to me, and I shake it while he catches his breath.

“My name is Joseph. I am Valarie’s lawyer. Do you mind if I speak to you for a minute?” he asks, pointing over to a picnic table under the trees by the parking lot.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” I tell him, wondering what he wants.

“We'll wait for you at the car, Everly,” Macey calls out, and I nod, waving at her. As he sits on the bench seat, Joseph pulls a pair of glasses from the inside pocket of his suit jacket, putting them on before digging through his briefcase. Kalen sits beside him, also curious.

“Why the girl? What does she have to do with anything?” Kalen asks.

“Just wait, please, Alpha Kalen. I will explain. About six months ago, Valarie came to see me, to change her will,” Joseph says. My brows pinch together and I look at Kalen, who is glaring at me.

“Ah, here it is, this is her current will. This is for you,” he says, handing me an envelope. I notice Valarie’s handwriting—the front of the envelope readsFor Everly. Looking back at Joseph, I nod. Thinking this is all, I begin to get up.

“Thank you,” I tell him, about to leave.

“Everly, I am not finished. Valarie was very insistent and went to a lot of trouble to make sure her will could not be contested or changed,” Joseph says, looking over at Kalen.

“I'm not understanding,” I tell him. Joseph smiles sadly before tugging on his tie and glancing nervously at Alpha Kalen.

“I have known Valarie for thirty years and considered her a good friend, and I am aware of who you are to her, Kalen.” Kalen growls, and Joseph puts a finger up, standing up to the man. I sense that Joseph truly cared for Valarie.

“I signed a non-disclosure to not let that information out—Valarie saw to that—but since Everly here is aware of who and what you are to Valarie, I have not broken that, nor do I intend to. But that is why I must warn you, Kalen; Valarie has measures in place that if you fight Everly—if you contest this will I have here—it will be made public information that the Blood Alpha’s father let his mate die because of her status.”


Suddenly it dawns on me. I feel my throat constrict. This asshole was planning on going after Valarie’s assets after the way he treated her? I can’t believe my ears.

“Status? I fucking loved her,” Kalen protests, his eyes narrowing in anger.

“Obviously not enough to look past her being Omega,” I snap before I can stop myself. I feel my hands shaking.

“Don’t pretend to know me, girl.”

“I don’t need to know you, nor do I want to, Kalen. Your actions showed me plenty of your character,” I tell him, and he growls at me. Ignoring him, I turn my attention back to Joseph.

“What has this got to do with me?” I ask him.

“Well, I need you to sign some documents.”

“What sort of documents?” I ask him.

“Valarie left everything to you and your son Valarian. Everything, Everly. The hotel, her bank accounts, her family’s money—a considerable amount—everything she owned now belongs to you,” Joseph tells me. I swallow, looking up at the tree above me, blinking back tears.

“Valarie was a very wealthy woman, Everly, and everything is now yours,” Joseph says, and I sniffle. Kalen growls and punches the table. Joseph jumps when Kalen stands up before storming off toward his car. I stare after him before turning back to face the lawyer.

“Don’t worry about him, Everly. This is what Valarie wanted, and I have known Kalen for a long time. He won’t risk his reputation to fight this, so what I need from you are some signatures, ID, and bank account details,” Joseph says, handing me a pen. I take the pen from him, and he points out where to sign. When I'm done, he gives me the deed to the hotel.

“You just became the new owner of Mountainview Hotel; I look forward to seeing you accomplish great things, Everly. Valarie told me all about you and her grandson,” he says, giving me a caring smile.

I open my mouth, glancing around for Kalen, but he's gone already, and Joseph puts a finger to his lips.

“Secret’s safe with me, Everly. Valarie was a very depressed woman when I met her; in the last year, I haven’t seen her happier. You and Valarian did that,” he says, standing up. I shake his hand.

“I will bring some other paperwork over during the week,” he says, and I nod, watching him leave before looking down at the deed and the envelope in my hand.
