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“I have never noticed this place, and I grew up in the city,” I tell him, not believing it's possible. Where did a rogue get enough money to own a hotel?

“It’s on the main drag, the first hotel as you drive in from the western borders, backs onto the nature reserve,” he says, but I still have no idea what he's talking about.

“Fuck you and your silver spoon; of course you have no idea what I'm talking about. Near the train station. Seeing as you have never used public transportation in your life, you would have missed it.”

I press my lips in a line. He’s right, though. I usually stick to my own territory and hardly spend any time on the western side of the city; but still, a hotel this size you would think I would notice since it's on the main street.

“Opened three and half years ago. Apparently they are not only cheaper, but they have better services, and I think people are just interested in seeing a hotel run by rogues.”

“Great, it’s a fucking circus for a tourist attraction. Not that I have anything against rogues, I just have a hard time being fucking outdone by them.”

“Well, I will suss it out today.”

“Don’t bother. I'll go—might book the Alpha meeting there. Alpha John kicked up a stink when he heard we were hosting it and wants it on neutral ground. I have another job for you anyway.”

“What’s that?” he asks.

“I want you to distract my father,” I tell him, and he scrunches up his face.

“Uh, no; last time I had to do that, he gave me a tour of the city I have lived in my entire life,” Marcus says. I smirk. “Can’t I go with you?” he whines.

“No. I know he's waiting for you to leave so he can give me a lecture on producing an heir, so I need an escape, and this seems perfect,” I tell him while holding up the brochure.

“I don’t see why I can’t come with,” he says, getting up. “Oh, and Ashley is downstairs looking for you."

“Ugh, I never should have touched that one; she's like a leech,” I groan, and Marcus laughs.

“Yeah, you have to be more careful where you stick your dick,” Marcus says.

“Get rid of her for me,” I tell him, and he growls.

“Why do I need to get rid of her? I didn’t fuck her,” he says.

“Fine, just distract my father for me so I can escape,” I tell him. He leaves, then mind-links me when the coast is clear, something about asking my father if he's familiar with graphs. My father is always unable to help himself when he wants to show off his knowledge. I know Marcus will give me hell later over it.

Sneaking out, I catch the elevator to the ground floor before walking to the exit, only to see Ashley smile when she spots me. She flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder, pulling down her dress that had ridden up. Don’t know why she bothered—I would still see the bottoms of her asscheeks if she turned around.

“Valen, honey!”

“Busy, and don’t call me that,” I tell her, walking past her. She grabs my hand, and I shake her off, walking out for the valet to notice me. He rushes off to get my car while I stay trapped, standing next to Ashley.

“Want to go out later?” she says, pawing at my shirt. I shove her hands off and she pouts.

“What part of 'I am busy' don’t you understand?” I ask her. She says nothing for a few moments, though her face reddens.

“You know, you don’t have to be such a prick, Valen.”

“AlphaValen, we are not familiar. Just because I stuck my dick in you, don’t think it means anything more than that—now get off me,” I tell her, putting distance between us.

She starts crying. I roll my eyes; this can’t be happening. Seeing people staring, I tell her to shut up, making her cry more. The valet brings my car over and I growl, stomping over and opening the passenger side.

“Get in—I'll drive you home when I'm done,” I tell her through clenched teeth, knowing she caught a cab to get here.

She wouldn’t shut up the entire time I was driving. Following the GPS, I look for this stupid hotel.

“What are you looking for?” Ashley whines.

I ignore her and then spot it. How have I never noticed it before? The place is huge—and it looks every part a five-star hotel.
