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“You know what. You keep telling me you have every right; you make me and I will make you regret it.”

Valen reaches for his coffee, and I stifle a laugh by biting down on my tongue as I stare at the mug in his hand. If he wants to act like an annoying shit, he can drink it then. Maybe I should tell him. But I shove that thought away quickly as I stare back at the Alpha, who seems to think he's the Goddess's gift to women.

“I may have the right to force you, but that doesn't mean I agree with it or will do it. I am not a monster, but I also won't wait around forever. A man of my status doesn't get to wait for a rogue to make up her mind,” he says before taking a sip. His cheeks puff out, and he gags, covering his mouth with his hand until he retches again and spits it back into the cup.

“My Goddess, what is that? It tastes ghastly!” he says. I chuckle at the look on his face, and he raises an eyebrow at me. “Do you give that crap to your guests?”

I laugh and glance at my untouched cup. Another fit of giggles leaves me.

“Definitely not—it's reserved for cocky Alphas only,” I snort, choking on my laugh. Valen stares at my full mug.


“She grows the beans herself.”

“Well, she isn't a green thumb; tastes like shit. No amount of sugar would make that taste decent,” he huffs before shuddering. I'm in fits of giggles while he continues to stare at me like I’m deranged.

“What's so funny?”

“She fertilizes the plant with her own waste!” I clutch my stomach at the look on his horrified face.

“She does what?” he exclaims in outrage, getting to his feet. “You're lying. You better be damn lying, Everly.”

I shake my head and bite my lips to stop myself from laughing.

“Next time I refuse the coffee, trust that I have my reasons. No one loves coffee more than me,” I tell him. Valen pales slightly, and I suddenly feel a little bad for letting him drink it.

Eh. He'll get over it.

Everyone's aware never to drink Emily's coffee or anything she brings from home, for that matter. Sweet woman, but she can be strange and believes everything is recyclable.

“Come on then,” I tell him, getting to my feet.

“I can't believe you let me drink that,” he snaps, following me out of my office to the small kitchenette.

“How was the coffee?” Emily asks on the way past.

“Valen enjoyed it,” I tell her, and he growls behind me, though only loud enough for me to hear. Emily beams brightly like she just received the best compliment.

“I grow the beans myself,” she says proudly. Valen's hands clench at his sides and he nods stiffly, giving her a smile that looks pained. I nudge him toward the small hall and into the kitchenette. He closes the door behind him.

“If you are going to feed me more shit, I am not interested,” he says before spotting the sink and rushing over to it. He rinses his mouth at the faucet before drying his hands on a kitchen towel. Rummaging through the small fridge, I grab out two sodas.

“Not made from anyone's waste, is it?” he snaps at me.

“No,” I tell him, cracking mine and taking a sip. Valen does the same, drinking half the can in one go before looking around. I roll my eyes, reaching beside him at his head for a coaster. His hand moves to my hip, and I glare at him, but he smirks back at me.

“Hands off,” I spit at him, only for him to pull me closer just as I grab the coasters from the shelf.


“Why? I'm only touching what is mine. If I want to touch you, I will, and no one would dare to stop me, Everly. Remember that,” he growls before tugging me against his chest. I push off his chest with my hand, trying to escape him.

“Valen, let me go.”

“And if I don't want to?”

“I will make you,” I growl back at him, though I doubt that. However, a knee to the balls is usually enough to drop any man—even an Alpha.
