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“Maybe one day,” I tell him, though whether that day would come is unforeseeable. My phone starts ringing and Valarian turns back to his work. Glancing at the screen, I see it's the delivery truck I was waiting on.

“You're late,” I answer.

“Yes, and it's out of my hands. I've been stopped at the city entrance. I tried to explain and had to wait for some Alpha to get here. They've been searching the truck and only just gave my phone back,” the man tells me, and I sigh.

“Everything still cold?” I ask.

“Yes, the delivery is fine, but that Alpha I was telling you about wants to speak with you.”

“Which one?”

“Alpha Valen, he said his name was. I'm not too familiar with your kind or their politics, but he asked a bit about you, asked if I was a secret lover; he seems quite intense,” he says nervously before clearing his throat.

“I'll put him on,” the delivery driver tells me.

“Everly, it seems you have found yourself in another predicament,” Valen’s voice chuckles from the other end.

“Stop messing around, I need that truck. I have a wedding in five hours.”

“Well then, seems like you will want to negotiate then?”

“I am not letting you mark me. Valen, this is my life, my job, it’s not a time for me to be messing around and playing games,” I snap at him, forgetting Valarian is sitting behind me. I glance over my shoulder and meet his questioning gaze before sighing. “What do you want?” I ask, before quickly adding, “Anything but–”

“Let me hold the Alpha meeting at your hotel,” he says, cutting me off.

“Definitely not,” I tell him, a pit in my stomach.

“That’s my offer; what have you got to lose? It brings more business to your hotel and will get you media coverage for it,” Valen says and I roll my eyes. That's the last thing I want. However, that was not the issue—it would be risking Valen finding out who my father is. It would also mean confronting my father.

“So, am I sending the truck back where it came from? I need an answer; you have a lot of seafood in this truck, and it would be a shame for it to go to waste. Plus, this iswayless of a commitment than you agreeing to let me mark you.”

I press my lips together. “Fine, what date?” I spit through gritted teeth, though a part of me is relieved we reached an agreement. I'm just afraid it'll go exactly how I'm thinking, and I end up humiliated or my son is denied. But maybe it won’t be so bad and it'll go smoothly? This could be a chance for Valarian to meet my sister and mother.

Yeah, right. Talk about wishful thinking.

“Any date in three weeks. You can pick the date, but it has to be three weeks max,” Valen tells me.

“And my delivery?” Then another thought suddenly comes to me. “Oh, and the restaurant fridge blew up, so if you want the Alpha meeting held at my hotel, I need a new fridge delivered in the next hour. Think you can manage that?”

“It will be there in twenty minutes, along with a fridge. I am trusting you not to go back on your word, I advise you, don’t. I will text you the numbers, and you can send me the cost and details along with the date.”

“I am not giving you my number. Just send it to the hotel email address, and I'll message you back with the details.”

“You don’t have to give it to me, Love; your delivery driver has it written right here on your invoice. Talk soon,” he says before hanging up the phone.

I'm such an idiot! I never should have put my cell number on the company’s info. Damn it. I have to think fast about what to do about the whole Alpha meeting issue. On the plus side, my truck is on its way—and a fridge. I'll count it as a win for now.


The wedding goes without a hitch. For the first time in days, I breathe a sigh of relief. Leaving the night manager to handle the end of the wedding, I settle behind my desk, getting ready to finish up for the day. I'm about to log out when my phone vibrates. It’s a text from Valen.

'It's Valen: Still waiting for that invoice?'

I plan on ignoring him and dealing with it tomorrow, but his next text has me scrambling for my email.

'Do I need to stop over and deal with it personally?'

'Sending it through now, and the booking confirmation,'I quickly reply, going through the calendar to find a suitable date. I add it to the schedule just as an idea hits me. If it costs too much, he'll surely decline.
