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When we find his car, it's parked in front of the public library and he's already out of it.

“Is that Alpha Valen's car?” Zoe asks, and I nod.

“No. No. Whatever you're thinking, no,” Zoe says, pulling in beside it. “Whatareyou going to do?”

“He ruined Valarie's car, so I'm going to ruin his,” I say. Furthermore, I'm still pissed off about the entire school thing. Seeing the giant school two streets away that no rogue child can attend irritates me. The kids always ask what the big building they can see from the main road is.

The pristine, white sandstone school was erected when the first packhouse was, along with the church the kids also aren't allowed to attend. Pack members are allowed to travel freely where they want, as long as they follow the local pack's rules while visiting other territories. A rogue isn't even allowed to look, let alone attend anything that isn't on the main street or in the designated rogue areas.

Getting out, Zoe squeaks.

“Eve!” she hisses when I grab the cans of hairspray and start digging through her trunk. “What are you looking for?”

“Got a screwdriver?” I ask her.

“You scratch that car, he will lose it.”

“Not going to ruin its paint. Besides, this crap will wash off with water,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes before rummaging around and passing me a tire valve remover.

“Why do you have that?” I ask. She shrugs, looking up at the sky.

“I may have used it on Micah's car a few times,” she mutters, and I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Andyouare trying to stopme? You're just as bad as I am.”

“He owed me child support,” Zoe huffs. I chuckle. I intended to stab the tires, but this will work even better.

I set to work, tossing the can of spray glitter to Zoe, who uses it to cover his car while also keeping a lookout.

The air wheezes out of the tires quickly as I race to the front window and write on it with the blue spray dye.

'Alphahole xx' I write instead of 'asshole'.

His tires all flat, I quickly rush back to Zoe's car and we laugh as we drive away. We did no real damage, but it will be annoying. I wonder why he's at the public library?

“You know he will figure it out?” Zoe says.

“Innocent until proven guilty.”

“Who else would be game enough to do that to the Blood Alpha?” Zoe snickers. She has a point—no one crosses him.

“Stuff him; he deserves it for making our kids attend shitty schools and for forcing me to hold the Alpha meeting. He'll live and I doubt he'll bat an eyelash at the cost to get it towed and fixed if he's willing to pay fifty thousand dollars for an Alpha meeting,” I reply.



I finally told Marcus about Everly; he's organized patrols to run through the reserve for me to keep an eye on the back end of her hotel. Someone broke the fence and I'm arranging for it to be fixed. Hopefully, sometime today, someone will be able to go out there—otherwise I'll go myself.

Marcus and I just finished at the library. No luck. We found no records of an Everly Summers before five years ago—nobody by the name Everly at all. The only thing we managed to find was the hotel’s data and something stating she was in the hospital almost five years ago, yet it doesn’t say what for or which part of the hospital. The lady behind the counter told us to try the werewolf council because she can’t even access her own files for some reason.

“The name sounds so familiar,” Marcus says, shaking his head. “It’s right on the tip of my tongue. I just can’t, for the life of me, figure out where I've heard it. And don’t you think it's a little odd that not even you can access her files?”

“Obviously,” I tell him.

“She has to be hiding something. Why are there no records of an Everly or a Summers? Everly is a unique name. I'm sure I don’t know anyone with that name, but somehow it just sounds so familiar,” Marcus repeats.

We're about to head to the council chambers to look in the birth records, or any records for that matter—even bank statements. Marcus hits the button on his key fob and the blinkers flash, signaling it's unlocked. Then we both stop dead in our tracks.
