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He looks even more confused.

“So, did you only just find out my dad was your mate?”

I sigh before rubbing my eyes and shaking my head.

“I've known for a while. When I first found out I was pregnant, I tried to tell your father and he didn't believe me. I saw him again a couple of years later, but your dad was a bit tired and had too much to drink so he didn't recognize me. He was confused, and I think he thought I broke into his house, so he kicked me off his territory,” I tell him.

“So, you never had a chance to tell him? How long ago?”

“Nearly four years ago now, when you were just a baby.”

“So, you've known all that time… but I heard Auntie Macey say that Grandma Val died from not being with her mate—that not having your mate can kill you.”

I bite my lip. “You shouldn't listen to adult conversations, sweetie.”

“But is it true? Did she die because her mate didn't want her?”

I nod sadly, looking away. “But it won't happen to me; I have you to live for. I won't die, Valarian. I have too much to live for, you being the biggest,” I tell him, and he nods, looking at the screen. He clicks on some photos, making them larger so he can see his father's features better and the pictures are clearer.

“Am I like him?”

“You are so much better than he will ever be.”

“So he's a bad man?”

“No, I don't think so. Well, I don't think it's intentional; I think he's just perceived that way, kind of like how I'm perceived to have done something wrong. People believe things about people that may not be true. It’s not fair, but it sometimes happens.”

“I've seen him on the news fighting, and I saw him in the papers. I thought something was strange about him; I always felt funny when I saw his picture, but I didn't realize he was my dad,” Valarian says.

“We recognize our own family. It's built into us to recognize family.”

“So, he would know I was his son just by seeing me?”

“Yes, and that's why I can't let you meet him,” I tell him.

“Because he'll take me from you?” he asks, and I nod. Valarian seems to think for a second as he stares at the screen, scrutinizing the picture of his father out in front of the hotel he owns.

“I can print his picture off for you if you want?”

He looks over at me and smiles sadly. “That's ok, I think I'll go to bed now,” he says, getting up and taking the laptop with him. He kisses my cheek before looking at Zoe on the couch.

“Night, Auntie Zo'.”

“Goodnight, sweetie,” she replies, and I watch him leave.

“I'm sorry; he asked for the laptop…” she says once he leaves.

“It's fine, Zoe. I should have just told him.”

* * *

It's the middle of the day, Valarian is at school, and we're in the middle of the lunch rush when the entire restaurant falls silent. Glancing up from the front counter, I groan internally when Alpha Valen walks into the restaurant. A smirk crosses his lips as he approaches me.

Zoe notices him and rolls her eyes before coming over to me. “I'll go check if the meat delivery has arrived; seeing as the Alpha-dick is here, we don't need any more unexpected disturbances or missing truck interferences,” she says, glaring at him before walking away.

Valen approaches the counter and I can feel everyone watching us curiously when he leans on the counter, acting like he owns the place.

“Heard you had an eventful day yesterday with Officer Richards?” he chuckles.
