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“$11,000,” she breathes before rubbing both hands down her face.

“Use the funds. It’s what it’s for. When he gets out, he can come work at the hotel for a bit,” I tell her. That’s a big chunk out of the emergency rogue funds, not that anyone will complain—it’s what it’s for.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it,” Valen says behind me.

“It’s fine, Valen. We have the money here.”

“I don’t care about the money. They gave him a place there. If he’s doing well and not causing trouble, they have no reason to kick him out. That place relies heavily on donations and taxpayer’s money. I’m assuming it’s the main hospital, since rogues can’t use the private ones?”

She nods.

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll place him in one of the private ones if they kick up a stink, but they won’t. My pack funds half of that hospital,” Valen tells her with a shrug. “I’ll need his information.”

She looks around her desk before grabbing a sticky note and writing his name, date of birth, and address on it. She hands it to him, and Valen folds it, placing it in his pocket.

“Are you sure? We have a fund for this sort of stuff,” I tell him.

“Positive. But I would like to know more about this fund you have for your employees,” he answers.

“Thank you, Alpha,” Jenny nods, and I see her shoulders relax like a ton of weight has just been lifted off her shoulders.

“Go home, Jenny. Rest,” I tell her, but she shakes her head.

“I’m good until you find someone to take over,” she says just as the bell sounds, and I glance over at the door as Tatum walks in.

“Ah, just the man I wanted to see,” Valen says, and Tatum raises an eyebrow at him.

“Uh, yeah? Didn’t you want me to keep watch again?” Tatum asks him, unsure.

“Nope, change of plans. I’ll do it tonight—I have another job for you.” He motions toward the desk.

“You want me to move it?” Tatum asks, confused.

“Nope. I want you to man it. Everly is down a staff member.”

“What?” Tatum asks before staring at Jenny.

“Yeah… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say.

“Are you saying I can’t answer some phones and work the front desk?” Tatum asks, like I just insulted his intelligence.

“It’s more than answering phones,” I tell him.

“Can’t be that hard,” Tatum says, walking around the desk. Jenny looks up at him wide-eyed before looking at me.

“See? He can handle it,” Valen says. Why can I tell this is a bad idea? I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head.

“Valen, he’s a security guard, not a secretary,” I explain.

“See? Killed two birds with one stone. He’s now a guardandcan do whatever Jenny was doing.”

“This is a bad idea; I’m sure I can find someone else,” I say.

“Nonsense, Jenny will show him. And you can show me these photos,” Valen says, nudging me toward my office in the back. I glance at Jenny, and she shrugs before getting up. Tatum takes her seat, and she starts explaining things to him and showing him how to use the different phones.

With a heavy sigh, I give in, though he’ll definitely be the most buff secretary we’ve had manning the counter. He looks out of place behind the desk with its pink stationery.

Unlocking my office door, I step in and move to one of the bookcases, grabbing down the hotel photo album. I sit at my desk, and Valen comes over to stand beside me.
