Page 104 of Before I Tell You

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“Point taken, but it makes my blood boil just to think about it.” I can’t get the image of the two of them together out of my mind, and it’s killing me.Someone please end my misery.

“Well then, don’t think about it,” Paul says with a slight shrug. “And Nate, I hate to break it to you, but you are never going to find a girl like Natalie again.”

“I know.” Fuck, do I know this.

“And I don’t know, man, but there was something in Natalie’s eyes. The way she looked at you tonight before the WWE smackdown in the kitchen, it was like you were the only one in the whole house she had eyes for. And Natalie doesn’t seem stupid to me. She isn’t about to mess up what you guys have for a real asshole like Brian,” Paul says. I look at him, surprised. “Hey, the guy may be our friend, but you know just as well as I do how much of an asshole he can be. But for whatever reason, we’re all still friends with him.”

“Yeah, I know, but why wouldn’t she have told me about her and Brian? I thought she knew she could tell me anything, especially after I told her about my …” But I stop myself, not wanting to bring my father into the mix. “I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right.” I look around the place, noticing so many unfamiliar faces enjoying the party. “And why wouldn’t Brian have said anything to me? We all know he likes to brag about every girl he’s ever been with. So, what makes Natalie different?”

“I don’t know.” Paul removes his hand from my shoulder and picks up the beer sitting next to him. “Did Brian maybe have feelings for Natalie?”

“Not that I know of. Actually, he talked shit about her the last time I saw him. Really fucking pissed me off.”

“Maybe he’s just jealous that you’re hitting that and not him.” Paul shrugs, and I give him a death stare. “Whoa, I’m just stating a fact.”

I bring a beer to my lips and take a refreshing sip. The cold liquid on my swollen mouth is soothing. “I don’t know. Maybe.” I stand there silently, contemplating what I am about to say aloud for the first time about any girl. Ever. “The thing is … I love her.”

Paul spits his drink out of his mouth. “Did I just hear you correctly?”

“Yeah, you did. I have for a very long time. Just never had it in me to tell her.”

“Well then, I suggest you go after your Wonder Woman and talk to her before it’s too late,” Paul says.

“You’re right. Shit! I can’t believe what I said to her and in front of everyone.” I throw the bag of vegetables against the wall. “Was it as bad as I remember?”

“I mean,” Paul scrubs his hand over his jaw before continuing, “you probably shouldn’t have mentioned the whole virginity thing in a house full of people.”

I cover my face with my hands in remorse. Those words jumped off my tongue before I could stop them. “If I were her, I would never want to see me, let alone talk to me, again.”

“Yeah, but thankfully, she’s not you.” Paul gives a hopeful smile.

“I need to go find her.”

“Give me your keys.” I give him a quizzical look. “I’ve mostly been drinking water the whole night. How do you think I keep this physique in such good shape for the ladies?

“Oh, jeez. Let’s go, ladies’ man.” I give a slight eye roll.

We hop in my car and start driving toward Natalie’s home, where I’m guessing she went.

“Do you think she’ll forgive me?” I ask Paul, looking out the window and wondering how badly I fucked things up between us.

“I guess you’re about to find out,” Paul responds, turning down Natalie’s street.

“Stop!” I yell, causing Paul to slam on the breaks. I put my face right up against the glass to get a better look at the dark figure lurking in the woods. “Is that … Brian?”

“Oh shit,” Paul remarks, seeing the shadowy figure outlined on the edge of the woods. “And is that Natalie on the ground?”

“Fuck!” I reach for the door handle.

Paul presses his arm against my chest, stopping me from getting out of the car. “Wait, man. He doesn’t see us from this angle. Go stand behind that tree and see if you can hear them and figure out what’s going on. I’ll move the car down the street.”

I can’t wait another second. Natalie is in trouble, and this is all my fucking fault. I jump out of the car and quietly stand behind a tree out of sight. Then, pulling my phone out of my pocket, I hit record and wait.

“Oh, Natalie. We wouldn’t have a problem if you had just kept your fucking mouth shut,” I hear Brian growl at her.

What the hell is going on?

“I di-didn’t say anything. I swear.” Natalie’s voice comes out sounding so small. Frightened.
