Page 59 of Too Late

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Josh kissed her cheek. “Catch it.” He waggled his eyebrows.

She stared at him.

He gave her a gentle shove toward the center of the floor.

“But . . .” She shook her head and went to where the crowd of women gathered. There was no way she was going to try and catch that thing.

If she did catch it, she’d never live it down from her family or Aliza and her friends.

The DJ counted down, and Aliza threw the bouquet.

It hurtled through the air. Chloe raised her hands. She might as well pretend she was going to catch it.

The bundle of flowers fell right into her face. “No.”

She caught the stupid thing. Aliza came running over and pulled Chloe into her arms.

“I knew it.”

Chloe hugged her back. “I can’t believe—”

“Oh, believe it, sister.” Aliza stepped back. “Go get ’im.” She pushed Chloe toward Josh.

The smile on the man’s face rivaled Gabe’s.

She shook her head, and it felt like her cheeks were on fire.

“Nicely done.”

“I didn’t even try.”

He laughed. “That makes it even better.”

She put the bouquet with her things at the table and turned back to Josh.

He extended his hand and led her back to the dance floor. There they danced and talked about the future, not in specific terms, but in sweeping generalities that included dogs and kids and a lot of hiking, perhaps even some climbing—when she was ready to push her limits.

Before they knew it, the DJ was counting down to midnight. A new year was upon them, and they were ready to face anything together.



Josh didn’t wait until the one. He leaned in and kissed her. The world around them quieted to a hush, and the tenderness of his love swept her off her no-longer-scared feet. They weren’t too late; love was right on time.
