Page 123 of Deadly Fate

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‘Were you in love with Brad?’

‘No comment.’

‘Did you really see a white van?’

‘No comment.’

‘Did Brad ever leave those woods?’

A hesitation.

A lick of the lips.

‘I’ve already said, no comment.’


‘Damn it,’ Kim said, heading back into the squad room.

It had been so close. She’d almost had the answers. For all she knew, a lawyer might just advise him to keep his mouth shut, but she couldn’t prise the information out of him.

She replayed the conversation in her mind to work out exactly where she’d lost him. It was almost as if the first question that had left her mouth had brought back the enormity of what he was confessing to and that he was speaking to a police officer. Her hopes of being able to go back to Rose with some closure and a body to bury were dwindling by the minute.

Even though Josh wasn’t under arrest, he was calling a lawyer from the interview room. She hoped that in allowing him to do so, he might suddenly change his mind and admit what he’d done.

She had no choice but to wait until he was ready to talk, and she didn’t do waiting well, she acknowledged as she poured herself a cuppa.

Penn burst into the room.

‘You got him?’ Kim asked.

‘Oh yeah, arrested, cautioned, waiting and not too happy about it either. Apparently this is a really bad day for us to have chosen to bother him.’

‘He actually used the word bother?’ Kim asked.

Penn nodded.

Damn but this man was truly insufferable. He’d been arrested on suspicion of murder and he was acting as though they were no more than an irritant, a wasp buzzing round his food on a sunny day.

Kim banged her mug down on the desk, causing some of the liquid to splosh over the sides. It was time for Mr Dunhill to realise she was done playing games.

She nodded towards Bryant. ‘You ready?’

This was going to be a whole different interview.


‘What’s your gut say?’ Stacey asked Penn.

‘That the man is a first-rate, top-of-the-line knobchops.’

‘I don’t actually know what that is but I’m guessing it’s not good.’

‘He actually told me it wasn’t a convenient time to be arrested, that he had important things on today and could I come back tomorrow.’

‘No way,’ Stacey said. ‘Cheeky beggar.’

‘There’s no doubt that the world revolves around Monty Dunhill. He is superior, arrogant, condescending, dismissive and, well, just not a nice person,’ Penn said, after running out of adjectives.
