Page 2 of The Wrong Royal

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As night fell over the grand mansion, I found myself in the home library with my manservant, Jack, who was also one of my best friends. Shelves upon shelves of books surrounded us, each one a testament to the history and knowledge of the Ashford family. The faint smell of cigar smoke hung in the room despite the air purifiers my mother insisted upon.

We were seated at a mahogany table, enjoying a smooth scotch and talking about the upcoming season.

We had brought our laptops to the library to do a little light stalking of my future wife. I wanted to research the royal family of Norway, particularly Nora Hansen, the eldest daughter. I knew of them, but I wanted to know more about her and her family. What exactly was I getting into?

Jack, ever the analytical thinker, was scrolling through articles on his laptop, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Theo, this is no ordinary family,” he began. “Their government was involved in a bad business deal that cost them a fortune. It’s all over the news.”

I nodded, absorbing the information as I read similar articles. Scandals were not uncommon among royalty, but a financial debacle of this magnitude was noteworthy. “Tell me more,” I urged as I clicked a link about Nora.

Jack was hunched over, reading and shaking his head. “They have properties all over the world that need restructuring. It’s no secret that whoever marries their daughter is expected to help with that.”

The weight of the revelation settled on my shoulders. I knew that marrying into a royal family came with responsibilities, but this was on a different scale altogether. Nora’s future husband would be tasked with not only managing their vast assets but also salvaging their damaged finances. I was Mr. Moneybags.

I sighed, my mind racing with the implications. “Do you think my parents know?”

“I’m sure they do,” he replied. “It’s big news. A princess gets stung by a bee and they’re going to know about it.”

I laughed. “True. I don’t know if I’m up for the job. Being a husband is one thing. Bringing years of bad financial management and shitty property management into the black is another. That’s a huge responsibility.”

Jack leaned back in his chair, offering a reassuring smile. “Theo, you’ve always risen to the occasion. Besides, this is an opportunity. It’s a chance to make a real difference, not just in your life but in the lives of others.”

His words struck a chord with me. Jack had always been the voice of reason and encouragement in my life, and he was right. Perhaps this was my calling, my chance to use my skills and resources to create positive change. My family’s business was all about property management, buying and selling. It wasn’t like I didn’t know how to do it.

We continued our research, delving deeper into the intricacies of the Norwegian royal family’s financial troubles. It was a complex web of investments, debts, and assets scattered across the globe. As I absorbed the information, I couldn’t help but think of Nora.

Jack glanced at me, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Marrying Nora means taking on not just her, but her family’s troubles as well.”

I met his gaze with determination. “I’ve always been taught that with privilege comes responsibility. If Nora and I can find common ground, I think I can do it.”

We each dug a little deeper before I closed the laptop. “Jack, I know I could be great for the business side of Norway, but what about Nora? What about the girl I’m going to wed? Am I good for her? Is she going to want me?”

Jack regarded me with a thoughtful expression. “I’ve never met her, but she’s pretty. She seems nice enough.”

I nodded. Love was a luxury, an added perk to a match. It wasn’t a requirement. Roman married for love and it just happened to be a really good match. He was lucky. I didn’t know if luck could strike the same family twice. “The woman I saw on the TV screen, she doesn’t look open to love. She seemed composed, regal, but distant.”

Jack smiled. “Appearances can be deceiving, Theo. We can’t judge someone solely based on a few minutes of media coverage. People often have layers, and we might discover more about her once we meet in person. She’s grown up in the spotlight. She knows she has to put on a certain look when she’s in front of the cameras. You’re not the same man when you’re meeting the movers and shakers. We all have to put on airs.”

I appreciated Jack’s optimism, but doubt still gnawed at me. “What if she’s just fulfilling her duty to her family, as I will be to mine? What if there’s no room for love in this arrangement?”

“I’ll repeat something I’ve heard your mother say—love can grow in unexpected places. Sometimes, it takes time for it to bloom, but it’s not impossible.”

I laughed and took a drink. “Thanks. Basically, suck it up and don’t bitch.”



Iwent to sleep that night with thoughts of the coming wedding. It wasn’t my wedding, but as soon as Nora was married, I was next. I would be matched with some young prince or other wealthy member of the Golden Society.

As I lay in bed, I felt a sense of dread. The idea of being married off to someone I barely knew, just for the sake of money and status, made me sick to my stomach. I wanted to marry for love, not for convenience.

But as much as I tried to fight it, I knew deep down that my fate had already been sealed. My parents had made it clear that my future was to marry into a wealthy family and secure our own place in the Golden Society. It didn’t matter if I was unhappy, as long as we had money and status.

Nora was marrying Theo Ashford. I knew of the family and we had associated in the past, but I didn’t know him well. His money would help restore my family’s coffers. I knew it was incredibly important for us to marry well. Our family was in serious financial jeopardy.

My hope was Nora would marry well and I could put off getting shackled to a man I didn’t love for a good long while. I loved my freedom. People referred to me as the spare, but I didn’t mind. Heavy was the head that wore the crown. I didn’t want that kind of weight. Nora had been groomed from the moment she was conceived to take over the role as the head of our family. I was fortunate enough to have the freedom to explore my own interests.

But as I drifted off to sleep, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to marry for love. To have someone who truly cared for me, who I could share my life with and grow old alongside. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life in a loveless, arranged marriage. I didn’t want to get married at all, but I knew it would happen eventually. There was no way I was going to be allowed to spend the rest of my days exploring the world unencumbered by a husband.

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