Page 49 of The Wrong Royal

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I wasn’t sure the food would actually work to get us in the door but I was willing to try.



Astrid and I had slipped into our cozy pajamas. It felt good to be home and have nowhere to go. I looked forward to unwinding for the night after a whirlwind couple of weeks. The soft fabric of my lounge pants and matching top were like coming home after a long day. We lounged in the living room, listening to nothing but the peace and quiet.

“What do we want for dinner?” I asked Astrid.

“I think I should ask you that.”

We had a plethora of options in mind, but I couldn’t decide. It was an important decision. A pajama party was only a success if you had the right food.

As we debated the merits of ordering pizza versus trying some local cuisine, the doorbell rang, startling us both. One of the staff from the house went to answer it, and I exchanged a puzzled look with Astrid. Who could be visiting us at this hour?

To my surprise, I heard the familiar sound of Theo’s voice. My heart skipped a beat as I turned to Astrid, and she giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

“No way they’re over here,” I said, trying to suppress the excitement and frustration in my voice.

Curiosity piqued, I followed the sound of their voices to the entrance, and there, standing at our doorstep, were Theo and Jack, holding takeout bags. My breath caught as I took in the sight of Theo, his hair wet and tousled from what I assumed was a swim in the indoor pool. He looked utterly handsome, and I couldn’t help but blush. I hated that I was so damn attracted to him.

Theo flashed a charming grin, his eyes meeting mine as he held up the bags of food. “Can we join you for dinner?”

Before I could find my voice to respond, Astrid beat me to it, her enthusiasm clear in her tone. “We’d be delighted! Come on in!”

I was a little less enthused. I didn’t want to spend time with him. I needed to rebuild the walls I put up around myself. Theo was a threat. He knew how to get to me.

Theo barely looked at me as he and Jack walked into the living room. We all gathered around the coffee table, sitting on the floor in a very casual manner. The table was laden with food from one of my favorite restaurants. It was odd for me to be entertaining in my pajamas, but it didn’t seem to faze them in the least. My parents would freak out if they knew I was hanging out with my future husband while wearing my pajamas instead of something formal.

Jack began opening the takeout containers, revealing a delicious assortment of Norwegian dishes. The fragrant aroma filled the room, making my mouth water. As we started to dish out the food onto our plates, I started to relax a little. These were people I could trust to keep their mouths shut. They weren’t going to run off and tell the world I ate dinner in my pajamas while sitting on the floor.

Theo and I found ourselves seated next to each other on the floor, our hands brushing lightly as we reached for the same dish. I couldn’t help but steal glances at him when he wasn’t looking. Our little casual dinner made me think about a future doing this very same thing with him. He wasn’t like the other people in the society. He didn’t seem to care if people saw him as unrefined.

He was unapologetically who he was. He didn’t have to put on airs. He didn’t need to flaunt his wealth or social status. He was who he was and he didn’t seem to care if people liked him or not. I tried to analyze it. What gave him that kind of confidence?


It had to be the fact he had a good family. They loved him and supported him. I doubted dinners at his house required formal attire and perfect manners. I had watched plenty of American television. It was hard for me to imagine anyone I knew living like that.

“Good?” he asked when he caught me watching.

I felt myself blushing. “Yes.”

As the night wore on, the initial surprise of their unexpected visit faded, and I felt myself relaxing. We shared stories, jokes, and even some embarrassing childhood anecdotes that had us all laughing. I loved getting to hear about his life in America. The stunts he pulled with his brothers and the freedom he enjoyed with his friends.

Theo leaned in, his eyes twinkling with humor as he shared a funny anecdote about his younger sister. “You wouldn’t believe the things she can get away with,” he said, shaking his head. “She has this puppy-dog look that melts my parents’ hearts every time.”

“You have two sisters, right?” I asked.

“Yes, Victoria and Rose,” he said, nodding. “Rose is the youngest. She gets away with murder. I think my parents kind of gave up by the time they got to her. My brother Roman and I broke in our parents. Roman had all the rules and expectations because he was older.”

“Did you?” I asked him curiously. I wanted to know if he was brought up the same way I was.

He shrugged. “I think I had the rules, but the expectations were a bit more lax. Roman was groomed to marry well and take over the family business.”

“He married royalty, correct?” Astrid asked.

“Yes,” Theo said, smiling. “Which meant I was moved to the front of the line. I’ve been getting a crash course in running the family business. I am supposed to continue to manage some aspects, but my parents have realized the folly of their matchmaking.”
