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“Oh my golly gosh!It was so loud. How are your ears not ringing?” Alisha practically shouted at Adam.

“Well, if they weren’t before, they certainly are now,” he responded, his tone dry yet his expression filled with mirth. He loved every single minute of that movie. Not because it was an absolute masterpiece that would never be rivaled by any movie ever. Nope. It was epic because he had been seated between Alisha and Rueben and had been allowed to hold both their hands for the entire movie.

Except for the one time he’d snuck out to “go to the bathroom”. In reality he’d snuck to the ticket counter to go pay for their tickets for the rest of the festival.

He’d nearly fallen over laughing when the confused ticket clerk looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

Apparently, the sneaky cop had already bought their tickets for the day. And even gave them all a nice tip to pretend to not notice the sneaking around.

Not willing to be shown up, he went up to the guy who had sold them all their snacks and asked him for a favor.

One twenty-dollar bill lighter and with a huge smile on his face, he’d walked back into the movie. Since then, he’d been crazy excited about his plan coming to fruition.

“Okay, little miss, we’re all going to go hide in the bathrooms until five minutes to show time,” Adam said, making a production of checking his watch. “Which is, fifteen minutes from now. Then we will come walking out, walk straight into the next movie as if we belong there and take our seats. One of us can come back out later for a refill on our snacks.”

Alisha bit her lip, obviously very worried about their plan to befuddle the cinema owners. But he smiled at her and she sent a hesitant one back in response. Adam didn’t want her to worry, or feel guilty. This expedition was to get her out of her head, not back into it.

“If you’d rather pay, sweetness, I’ll go up to that ticket counter right now and purchase our tickets for the rest of the day. Or, if you’d like,” Adam added, knowing Rueben was probably worried about being caught out, “I can put the money in an envelope and send it to them after. But let’s just have some fun today.”

Her face lit up, and Adam felt a surge of happiness at finding just the right thing to say.

“Yes!” she whispered before standing on her toes to place a kiss on his nose. “Now go hide like a good boy, and make sure you keep Daddy quiet.”

The little minx then sped away to hide in the ladies room as he’d instructed.

Now it was time for his fun with their sneaky Daddy.

He grabbed Rueben’s hand and led the way to the bathroom, making a show of looking around them in case someone was watching.

Obviously, no one was. Or if they were, they had been very nicely compensated to look the other way. When they got to the toilets they stood there looking at each other before Adam burst out into deep laughter.

“Want to be toilet buddies with me?”

This drew a snort from Rueben. “I am not convinced one of the stalls will be big enough for both of us to fit.”

“Probably not.” Adam shrugged. “But I don’t mind getting up close and personal with you.”

With a cheeky grin, he pulled Rueben into a stall with him, and even though it was a bit of a squeeze, they managed to close the door behind them.

With his hands on Rueben’s chest, Adam leaned back and smiled at the older man. “Well, this is nice.”

It got him the exact reaction he was looking for. Rueben’s cheeks pinkened with a slight blush, but the bonus point? That went to Rueben for bending down slightly and placing a soft kiss on his lips. “You’re right,” he whispered. “This is nice. Now quiet, or they’ll catch us.”

As Adam knew what was coming, he decided, this once, he would obey his Daddy. After all, he really didn’t want to be caught with their pants down. So instead of talking back, as the brat inside him demanded he do, he mimed zipping his lips shut and throwing away a key.

Rueben rolled his eyes but still smiled at him.Score!

After that… things became a little… tense. Adam hadn’t thought this all the way through. Being alone in an enclosed space with one of the most handsome men he’d ever come across with nothing to do but just stand there and stare at each other was pure torture.

He became very aware of the hard planes of Rueben’s chest under his hands and the feel of the other man’s heart beating. The longer they stood there, staring into each other’s eyes, the more difficult it became for Adam to convince his cock that nothing was going to happen right then.

About two seconds away from giving in to the temptation, Adam heard the door to the restroom open and close. Holding his breath, he lifted his finger to hover it over Rueben’s lips.

His excitement was ridiculous, considering he’d paid for and bought the upcoming entertainment, but he couldn’t wait to see the look on Rueben’s face.

“Yeah, so, my manager said he saw some guys sneak in here to hide and cop a few free shows, so now my lucky ass gets to go through the damn stalls to see if anyone is hiding,” a kid’s voice filled the room. No one responded, so Adam had to guess that he was faking a phone call. Rueben’s eyes grew huge as his gaze moved to the door, as if he expected the kid to open it at any second. Adam would have ruined it all with a laugh if it wasn’t for what the kid said next.

“I know, dude, how lame. A bunch of grown-ass adults sneaking around like kids.”
