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Lame? He was calling them lame? The fucking little shit.

They were not lame! They were trying to have some fun and make their girlfriend feel a bit better after a shit morning. He was about to storm out of the stall and tell the kid exactly what he thought of his stupid comments, but Rueben’s arm on his bicep stopped him.

The look his Daddy gave him was like none he’d ever seen before. Stern, sexy and absolutely no-nonsense. He held up his finger to his lips again, telling Adam—without saying a single fucking word, mind you—that he was to stay quiet. His body language screamed, “I’m in charge, don’t fuck with me”.

Maneuvering them so he could open the stall door, Rueben stepped out into the restroom. Adam was a little bummed he couldn’t see the little shit’s face at the big man storming out at him. He’d only paid the kid behind the counter to come in and threaten to open the stall doors. There wasn’t going to be a confrontation because he never wanted Rueben to know that he knew about the ruse.

Oh well. Shrugging his shoulders, he followed Rueben out the stall to see the punk staring up at Rueben.

“Check with your manager; we paid. And if we’re lame for wanting to do something to cheer up a girl, then, kid… I’ll be lame every day of the rest of my life.”

Rueben then looked back at Adam with a rueful smile on his face.

“I didn’t want to spoil your idea, especially because it looked like Alisha was so into it. But I couldn’tnotpay.” He shrugged, but when Adam burst into laughter, Rueben’s expression morphed from sheepish to confused.

“I knew,” Adam said by way of explanation. “I went to pay for us when I came out earlier.”

Rueben’s roar of laughter filled the room, warming Adam’s mood instantly.

Who the hell cared what some snot-nosed teenager thought of them? They got to have a fun day, and Alisha got to forget about the shit ton of drama in a box waiting for her at home.

Chapter 13

After a long, laughter-filled day with her two favorite men, Alisha hadalmostmanaged to forget about thebig uglywaiting for her at her place.

Luckily for her, Daddy and Adam had decided to take charge. All she had to do was go along for the ride. And go along she did.

They watched one movie after the other… every single one of them getting louder and more ridiculous than the previous one. But the mindless action was exactly what she needed. Then, when it came time to go home, she got Adam to promise to send that money to the theater to pay for their tickets.

Rueben then bundled them both into the car, making sure they were buckled up, before declaring they would stay at his house. Anything that Alisha needed could either be bought at the big box store on the way to his place, or he would go and fetch it for her later.

It was sweet of him not wanting her to go back to her house yet. She also really appreciated it because now that she’d left the stink behind, she really didn’t want to go back to it.

She knew, without a doubt, that they couldn’t just ignore it. It wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard she wished upon a star. But for one weekend, she was going to push it from her mind and pretend it didn’t exist. Alisha vowed she would not let that creep take away this special moment with her men.

It was dark when they drove up to Rueben’s house so she could see very little except for white walls and large picturesque windows. The night chill started encroaching on them the second they stepped out of the car, and Rueben made a huge production of rushing her and Adam into the house to avoid them catching a chill.

Inside was perfectly… him. Orderly and just a touch masculine. Dark brown and blue furniture throughout the house with plain white or cream-colored walls.

All the decor was slightly homey, yet still in good condition. It looked like a place that was lived in, loved. It was by no means her pretty little doll house, but she could see Rueben in this space. And with a touch more pink, she could totally see herself in there with him.

Alisha couldn’t help the grin that snuck out when she saw the huge big screen television mounted to a wall, and a full game set up in front of it. She was no expert, but she was pretty sure Rueben had just about every single console available on the market.

Adam was less reserved with his reaction.

“Holy shit, Daddy-O! You didn’t tell me you had all these!” he shouted as he rushed over to the family room containing all the goodies.

Alisha waited for Rueben to say something about the language and snickered when Rueben growled at Adam.

The cheeky shit waved it away and kneeled down before all the shiny electronics.

“You know… there will be no game time for boys who don’t mind their Daddies,” Rueben warned, and Alisha full-on belly laughed at the hurt look on Adam’s face.

When he directed his attention to her, she fell on the floor in a fit of giggles.

Okay, so maybe things weren’t quite this funny, but the laughter felt good, so she was going with it. And when Adam crawled over to her and started tickling her where she lay, she fought him off half-heartedly.

“No! Uncle!” she called out as he reached for her feet. With nimble fingers he slipped off her shoes and started torturing her feet, completely ignoring her plea for him to stop.
