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His sexy car came to life with a purr—okay it was more of a roar—and he let it run for a few minutes to warm it up. Adam might have been in a hurry to get to Alisha and Rueben, but he’d made a promise he would be careful, and driving with half frozen fingers was not the way to do it.

As he thought that, the first wet splotches of rain fell onto his windshield. He suppressed a groan at the thought of the drive to his Daddy’s house in the downpour, but there was nothing he could do about it, so he turned on his headlights and pulled out of the parking lot.

The gate was open when he got there, thanks to his stop at the front desk. With a smile and a wave, he drove past the guards standing under their umbrellas. Once he was on the road, the rain started coming down harder and Adam cursed his bad luck.

He hated driving in the rain. His eyesight was shit at night, and even more so when it was raining. And with the cold in the air, it also meant that the roads might probably be slicked and frozen over, come morning. He was not excited at the thought of the drive back on those iced-over roads tomorrow.

Before his grumbling could go much further Adam’s squinted eyes caught something ahead of him. The amber blinking light was faint in the distance. When he drew closer, he could see a dark car pulled over to the side of the road with a drenched-looking man huddled under the open hood.

With a sigh, Adam flipped his blinker on and turned off onto the shoulder behind the broken down car. He turned around to his backseat and grabbed the umbrella he kept back there before pocketing his cellphone and braving the now heavy downpour.

“Hiya!” he called out to the shadow huddled in front of the car. “Need a hand?”

“Thank fuck. I’ve no clue what the heck is going on with this damn engine. Would you mind?” A soft, stressed voice called out to him.

Now, even though still annoyed at the delay, Adam was glad he’d stopped to help out. The stranger pointed his flashlight in his direction, effectively blinding him. Adam held his hand out in front of him, as he walked closer.

“What a crappy night to get stuck on the side of the road,” Adam said, making conversation. The man was still holding the flashlight directed at him, and he was on the verge of snapping at him to point it away when he aimed it at the engine.

He was wearing a large raincoat, which was probably smart in this weather, but the coat made it so he couldn’t quite make out his features. He was tall, almost as tall as Rueben, and he had a large, well-built frame that Adam would have appreciated if he wasn’t very much in love with his Daddy and Ali.

“Thank you so much for stopping, you have no idea what a huge life saver you are,” the stranger said to him. “I don’t know what’s wrong but it made some kind of clanking noise and then just sputtered and died on me. I’m not really one who knows what goes on in an engine.”

Adam leaned over the engine to try and take a look. He was pretty useless when it came to anything mechanical himself, but he could at least rule out the obvious. He was just about to introduce himself and warn him that he might not be any help when his entire world went black.

Chapter 26

The ringing of the line in Rueben’s ear was grating on his already frayed nerves. Adam should have been here ages ago, and now he wasn’t answering his damn phone. Rueben made a silent vow to tan the boy’s hide so he couldn’t sit for a week when he finally showed up. More than likely he got caught up talking to a friend and hadn’t realized the time.

But deep down, Rueben knew that wasn’t the case. No way would Adam dawdle when he knew Alisha was waiting and needed him. The younger man loved them. Rueben didn’t need him to say the words to trust and know the feelings were there and true.

A shuffle at the door drew his anxious eyes over to it and he forced a smile for the cute girl standing there in her new favorite pink onesie. She looked deliciously rumpled and so cute it nearly broke his heart. She was putting on such a brave face and he wished he could just get her to let go, but he understood her strong backbone was one of the things about her that he loved so much.

“Where is Addy, Daddy?”

Rueben contemplated hiding the truth from her, but he knew that would just piss her off if she were to find out.

“I don’t know, sweetness. I can’t get hold of him.” He looked down at his watch for what had to be the fiftieth time. “He was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago. The roads are cold and wet, and I’m starting to get a little worried.”

Alisha bit down on her juicy bottom lip before sending a decisive nod his way. “Then we’ll go out and look for him.”

“We can’t both go, because what if he showed up here five minutes after we left? And I can’t leave you here by yourself because it’s just not safe.”

Alisha straightened her spine and frowned up at him. All vestiges of her Little side completely dropped away.

“One,” she started holding up a finger close to his face, “I am a capable, independent woman. I could leave you here and go look for him myself.”

Rueben did not like the thought of that but before he could bring up a valid argument, Alisha carried on with hers. “Two, he has a key to your place. Worst case scenario, he rocks up here and ends up waiting for us to return. We’ll leave him a note.”

He knew she was right, but he still didn’t want to take Alisha out into the weather with everything else that was going on. The chances were that Adam had gotten a flat, and forgotten his cell in the room at the Ranch. But what if it was something worse? Did he really want to chance Alisha seeing Adam in a wreck?

Rueben shook off the nasty images flying around in his imagination. His head was all over the place. Jumping from alien abductions, to a bratty boy messing around with his friends.

No matter what it was though, they couldn’t just sit around and wait. Alisha was right.

“Okay, Ali. You go get dressed and I’ll get our rain gear ready.”

Her satisfied smile lit up her still worried expression before she stood on tiptoes to place a chaste kiss on his lips. The beautiful woman then turned on her heels and ran to the bedroom to get changed out of her PJs.
