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Rueben had however convinced her to come stay over at his house. He tried to word it so she would feel like she was showing her stalker that she wouldn’t listen to them, and she adored him for it. She wouldn’t tell him though, that she might be doing it a little for him too, so he could keep an eye on her like she knew he wanted to.

So it was closing in on sunset when Alisha and Rueben pulled up to his house. Unfortunately Adam wouldn’t be joining them, because he’d made plans with some of his friends but they would phone him before bed so they could at least all say goodnight.

The two of them got out at the same time, both slamming their doors shut as they walked toward the front door.

Only to stop in their tracks at the image that awaited them.

The welcome mat in front of the door was littered with decapitated Barbie dolls. All of them dressed in police uniforms.

Chapter 25

Adam waved goodbye to his friends as he walked to his room on the Ranch. They’d ended up having loads of fun and he was glad he’d stayed, even if he did miss his Daddy and girl tonight.

He’d slightly freaked out when Rueben had texted him and told him about the note he’d found. But at the same time, he was equally relieved it meant Alisha had finally agreed to get some extra help from the police department.

He knew it wouldn’t be easy for her, but her safety was more important and he was glad she’d finally realized it. Adam still felt a little calmer after she’d sent him a text herself, confirming he needed to go have fun with his friends.

His body was nice and loose after the marathon match of Kinect volleyball they’d played, and he was eager to get back into his room so he could grab his phone and call his two favorite people.

His room was clean and orderly when he stepped into it. It was always nice when room service had been in. Adam carefully moved around the room, digging out his most comfortable Captain Underpants pajamas before taking his bundle and heading into the shower.

He needed to clean off all the sweat his activities had generated before settling into bed for their goodnight call.

With concentrated effort he kept his hands off his semi-erect cock as he cleaned himself. Their night-time call would more than likely turn into some kinky fun, especially as they’d all agreed that for now, they didn’t like having any sex without all parties present or at least aware of what was happening.

Freshly dressed and ready for whatever was going to happen next, Adam grabbed his cellphone and climbed into bed with a huge smile on his face. He was slightly shocked to find more than one missed call from Rueben, and when he opened up the 9-1-1 text from his Daddy, his stomach did a scary flip-flop that he was not a fan of.

Daddy Rue: Adam, phone me. As soon as you get this I need you to check in. Alisha needs you.

With shaking fingers Adam pushed the button to ring Rueben’s number. His heart was beating in his throat and he felt like his tummy was making one somersault after another. He had to believe they were at the very least, physically okay, because surely Rueben would have called the front desk to get a hold of him otherwise.

As he listened to the phone ring, his mind took those precious few seconds to come up with so many scary scenarios of what could possibly be wrong.

“Addy, boy.” The relief in Rueben’s voice was so stark that Adam was out of bed immediately.

“What’s wrong, Daddy?” His voice was shaking, but he would worry about being strong later. For their girl. Now he needed to know what the hell was happening with his lovers. He listened as Rueben explained what they found, and how Alisha had kept it together. Even after they couldn’t get hold of Adam, she’d been in control all night.

Rueben didn’t say so, but Adam could tell that their Daddy was worried about her.

“I’m on my way.”

“No! There’s no need. We’re fine. But I thought she might like to talk to you,” Rueben quickly said.

He would. He was very careful about inconveniencing his two subs. It was adorable, even if it was slightly infuriating at times.

“Rueben,” Adam said, interrupting the older man before he could come up with any excuses. “I’m coming. Give me five minutes to get dressed, then I’ll get on the road. I’ll be there as soon as safely possible.” He added the last bit because he knew that Rueben would caution him about being careful.

“Okay, if you’re sure,” Rueben said, the relief once again clear in his voice.

“Yes, Daddy. I’m sure. Now look after our girl, I’ll see you soon.” Adam blew a kiss into the phone and hung up before quickly grabbing a big coat and some black sneakers.

After he changed his clothes and shoved his jammies in a backpack, along with his toothbrush and toothpaste, Adam headed out of his room, quickly pulling the door shut behind him.

He stopped at the front desk, and asked the person on duty to warn the guys at the gate that he was coming out, and wouldn’t be coming back tonight.

Bundled up in his coat, Adam trudged to his car, begrudgingly rubbing his hands together. Winter was definitely upon them. Pretty soon the cold would turn frosty with crispy white flakes of snow.

He couldn’t wait for that to happen. Adam could already picture having an epic snowball fight with Alisha. Or, better yet, the two of them could team up and take on their Daddy.

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