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Were they a couple looking for a third? Or maybe Jessica was hiding more underneath the surface than Adam could tell?

Jessica got stuck on what to do next and looked at him with a questioning gaze. He quickly leaned across and showed her the next step. Soon the two of them were giggling at what one of the characters were saying on the screen.

They continued to play around on his profile for some time before Derek cleared his throat, calling their attention to him.

“I think, officers, it’s pretty clear that Jessica has not, in fact, been indoctrinated into a cult, but is, in actual fact, quite happily enjoying her extended stay on the Ranch amongst friends.”

“Well fuck.”

Adam realized he’d said the words out loud when the sexy man beast hid what had to be a laugh behind a cough and the cute cop looked at him with large shocked eyes.

“Oops?” Adam said, looking at the three sitting around him.

Chapter 3

It was quite possibly the most bizarre day Alisha had ever experienced.

First, the call out to the place of her dreams. She was so freaking nervous that she would do or say something that would out herself to Rueben. And when she did, he freaking admitted to being part of the lifestyle himself.

Totally unexpected. Yet not unwelcome, because she’d worried about having a partner from about the second her boss had told her one was coming in. After having him confirm that he was in on it too, she felt a sense of relief at not having to hide who she was one hundred percent of the time. The street was not somewhere where she could let her submissive side out, but Rueben had kept pestering her to get together out of work, and she could never give in. Not because she didn’t believe in being friends with her partners, but mostly because her free time was so limited that she didn’t want to spend any extra energy on hiding who she really was when she’d rather just be herself.

Oh, she loved her job. She’d wanted to be a cop ever since her life went haywire in university. She’d just never thought so much of it would need to be spent fighting stereotypes, bigots, and idiots who thought they knew better just because they had a damn penis.

After all of that, she was convinced the rest of the day would be smooth sailing. Meet the Little they’d been sent to check up on, get their free tour, head back in, and file their reports.

Nope. Nothing like that for them. The second Derek had fetched the pretty girl from her class, everything went downhill again. She’d seen the two of them in their uniforms and instantly burst into tears.

The way she’d begged them not to take her back to her parents had Alisha’s hackles rising instantly. They’d quickly confirmed with the station that Jessica was truly over eighteen, and then between bouts of sobbing, she’d explained her story to them.

The poor girl had run away from her overbearing, controlling and incredibly abusive parents as soon as she was legally able to. They’d bullied her best friend into telling them where Jessica had run off to. Said best friend had then immediately warned Jessica that they were coming.

Apparently, she’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop ever since.

They’d finally calmed her enough that the sobbing had subsided. Rueben had been reluctant to let her go back to class and after a brief, but quiet argument with Derek–that Alisha was not privy to as she was still rubbing the poor girl’s back–Derek had asked Jessica if she’d like to accompany them to the basement play area.

Excited to finally get to the part Alisha had been looking forward to the entire time, she’d let some of her responsibility slip off her shoulders and just enjoyed their meandering through the big building. As they went, Derek pointed out the different areas and Alisha was already making plans on saving up her leave days in order to spoil herself with a visit.

She didn’t care how much it cost or what she needed to do to gain entrance. It was now going to be her life’s mission to spend as much time here as possible.

Then they entered the basement. It was empty–not surprising considering most everyone was in classes at this time of day–except for one lone figure curled up in a bean bag chair playing on a Switch console.

And holy sherbet. He was the most appetizing man she’d come across since meeting her partner. He had shoulders for days, and even in his loose clothing, it was glaringly obvious he was cut in a way that made Alisha’s mouth water.

The really odd thing though, was her very definite attraction to the man who was most assuredly a Little himself. When they entered the basement he’d looked up at them and Alisha was taken aback by his beauty. She couldn’t tell if it was purely a physical reaction or if it had something to do with the sparkle in his eyes that told her he would corrupt her in the most delicious way.

Then he’d approached them and helped calm Jessica down even more. Which meant he was obviously a sweetheart on top of his illegal good looks.

Alisha felt such envy at the way the sexy boy–Adam as he’d introduced himself–and Jessica played. She wanted nothing more than to shuck off her uniform in exchange for a playsuit, and join them on the play mat.

Derek said something Alisha was not tuned in to hear.

But she’d most definitely heard it when Adam uttered a very loud “Well fuck”.

He looked up at Derek, a challenge in his gaze.


“Oops is absolutely right. You’re back at the Ranch now. You know the rules. Any Littles without a supervising Big fall under house rules. No swearing. You’ll report to Nanny J.”

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