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“Yes, Sir,” the cheeky man muttered. He continued to look at us as if waiting for something else. Derek cleared his throat which had the other man’s grin widening. “Oh. Did you mean now? I was kind of hoping I could take these two fine officers on a tour of the grounds. You know, as a fellow resident of the cult,” That last word he said with air quotes which made Alisha cough to hide the snort that escaped. “I thought I could show them around and give them a chance to talk to someone else. Give them another perspective?”

Alisha could see that Derek was going to chase the younger man away. And something inside her just couldn’t let that happen. Even though it went against her submissive side, she called up all her training and pushed her Little side down in order to pull up her “cop” voice.

“That is a wonderful idea.”

Derek’s pointed look, made her inner sub whimper in fear, butshewasn’t in charge right now. She straightened her shoulders and reminded herself she was here to do a job. And even though they all knew it was a bullshit call, she was right to do things the proper way. And the right way would include interviewing other residents.

And if those other residents happened to be sexy Littles who made her mouth water for some strange reason, then it was only a bonus.

“We’d definitely appreciate it,” Rueben spoke up, looking at Derek. “That way Jessica’s parents will have even less of a foot to stand on and we can send them scampering back to their hole in the wall.”

At the mention of her parents, Jessica let out a small whimper. Adam wrapped an arm around her and gave her a one-armed hug before giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

“We got you, Jessie,” he said, smiling reassuringly at her. “I’ll show these officers the rest of the Ranch, and then they can go back to their boss and assure them that you’re in the safest place you could possibly be.”

“Very well. I’ll escort Jessica back to her classes. I’ll expect you in them starting tomorrow. It seems you need some refreshers on your manners, Mr. Rose.”

“Sir, yes, Sir.” Adam jumped up and saluted Derek before scampering away, forcing them to rush after him. A warm chuckle filled the air around them, giving Alisha goosebumps, making that the most surprising thing to happen that day.

Since when did Rueben give her goosebumps? What the heck was going on in her life?

Chapter 4

Alisha’s face was alight with joy and wonderment. With every passing moment, Rueben fell even more in love with his adorable partner. If there was ever any doubt as to what she was, he now had his answer.

With one answer though, came so many more questions.

Like why was he attracted to this spunky spitfire who was charming the pants off his partner? Or more importantly, why wasn’t he jealous as fuck over how Alisha was blossoming for this other guy? The thing was though, Rueben had lived a pretty long and full life. And one of the most important things he’d learned was to not second guess his gut. And his gut was telling him there was something here. A woman who ticked every single box he’d ever had, just proved she was even more perfect for him than he’d initially thought. For once she wasn’t totally closed off and unapproachable.

And now there was a man, a very sexy man, who was not only flirting with Alisha, but also throwing come-hither looks at Rueben. Someone who was undoubtedly interested in the same lifestyle Rueben was, otherwise he wouldn’t have been in that room on this Ranch.

Adam’s animated gestures as he showed them the different buildings and walkways to get to and from was not only engaging but incredibly entertaining. He was so full of life and drew something from Alisha, Rueben hadn’t seen before.

As he’d seen very little of Alisha on a personal level it was impossible for Rueben to be sure if this was normal or not, but he had a feeling it wasn’t.

It was ridiculous. Absurd. Completely ludicrous. But he couldn’t get this idea out of his mind.

Rueben shook his head trying to shake the idea loose and get rid of it, but no matter what kind of reason he tried to talk into himself, with each passing minute the idea just seemed to get better and better.

Adam drew him into the conversation by calling his name.

“Yes?” Rueben asked, entirely at a loss as he hadn’t been following along.

“Is there anything else you and Officer Cutie Pie over here would like to see?”

This drew a very unprofessional snort from Alisha that shocked the shit out of Rueben.

“Does this really work for you?” Alisha asked Adam.

“What? My unlimited charm and good looks? Oh for sure.”

Alisha scoffed at that, but Rueben saw the faintest hint of a smile lift the corners of her mouth.

“I think we’ve pretty much seen all there is to see, and I for one am confident that you’re not a member of some dark cult brainwashing young kids into giving up their souls,” Rueben answered Adam.

“Good. Is this where I give you my number, telling you to get in touch with me if you need anything else, insinuating that you should definitelyneedme sometime soon?” Adam asked.

The problem was, Rueben couldn’t tell if he was asking him or Alisha. Apparently, Alisha had the same difficulty discerning who the young man was coming on to.
