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As she waited for the door to be opened, she took in her surroundings. Colt’s instructions had brought her to an abandoned warehouse—how cliche—well outside of town. She had a moment of worry it would make it more difficult for Rueben and the other officers to sneak up on them, but then reminded herself it would be her work to distract Colt.

A loud screech filled the air as the huge door slid open. And there he was. Her worst nightmare. Over the years, Alisha had worked hard to keep him from her thoughts; somehow, she’d forgotten how fit and attractive he was.

He still looked good, but now that she knew who he really was, she could see his looks for what they were. A thin veneer over a nasty, vindictive underbelly. Colt stood there, with a gun raised at her, the sneer on his face telling her exactly what he thought of her.

“You made it, little slut. I was just about to exact some punishment on the asshole in there for your tardiness.”

Alisha had to suppress a shiver at the sound of his voice and the thought of what he had done to Adam in the time he’d had him.

“Where is Adam?” she asked, working to keep her spine straight. Her voice wavered just a bit, and she hoped he hadn’t heard her slip of confidence.

“Tssk, tssk. No manners. Looks like I’ll have to retrain you from scratch.” Colt took a step back and motioned for her to come in. “Be a darling and slide that door shut behind you. Don’t need any unwanted visitors wandering in unsupervised.”

Alisha followed his order, quickly pushing the door back and hooking on the padlock before Colt could instruct her too. As she turned back to him she nudged the lock so it wasn’t shut quite all the way. Hopefully, that would be good enough to allow the others easy access.

She was careful to keep her body in front of the padlock. There was no need for Colt to see what she’d done and incur his wrath before she even knew where Adam was being kept.

“Take me to him, please,” she pleaded with Colt. “Let me see him, let him go and then I’m all yours. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Colt pulled his nose up in disgust before waving his gun in the direction of the doorway behind him. They seemed to be in a reception area of some kind, the front desk long since gutted and cleaned out.

Long, rusted metal benches lined the walls, and Alisha wondered what kind of warehouse this was. She followed Colt’s order and stepped through the doorway into a short, dark passage. Each side had a closed door, and at the end of the hallway, there was another large metal door that probably led into the main warehouse.

“All the way to the end,” the snarl from behind her instructed.

As Alisha grew closer to the end, her heartbeat sped up. She wanted to see Adam and confirm he was alive, but she was terrified of what she would find when she got there.

Would he be able to forgive her for what had happened to him? Or was this the end of their road? Holy heck, what if he didn’t make it?

She couldn’t contemplate a world without her naughty boyfriend in it. She took a large nervous breath as she pushed against the heavy metal. It opened with another loud screech.

Beyond the entryway was the large cavernous warehouse, just as Alisha had predicted. Huge missing slats in the roof, letting in natural light, was the only source of illumination in the large room. Alisha’s eyes raced from one corner to the other, looking for Adam. Enormous, broken-down machines stood around in a haphazard fashion, making it difficult for her to ascertain exactly where he was.

Until a moan reached her ears. Alisha’s gaze immediately swung in the direction the sound had come from. She rushed forward without a thought to the madman holding a gun aimed at her.

A loud shot rang through the room, making Alisha stop in her tracks.

“Uh-uh-uh. Where do you think you’re going?” Colt called from his position at the entrance. “Nice and slow, little slut. I need to keep my eyes on you.”

Carefully then, Alisha walked over to the back corner where she’d heard the moaning come from. It felt risky, keeping her back to Colt like that, but she had no other choice, and her first priority was getting her eyes on Adam and ascertaining how bad his condition was.

Then she’d work on distracting Colt until Rueben and the cavalry turned up.

Alisha rounded one of the larger obstacles; then her gaze landed on him. He was trussed up like a Christmas turkey, lying on the cold cement floor. He had his back toward the wall, a long chain running from it to his ankle where a shackle was snapped on.Her poor Addy!Her heart broke even further at the sight of his face, which looked to be one giant bruise. His face was so badly beaten she almost didn’t recognize him.

“Oh, Addy,” she cried out, falling on her knees in front of him. Her darling boyfriend let out a pained groan in response. She wasn’t sure if he didn’t open his eyes because he couldn’t or if he was passed out.

Bending over to place a soft kiss on the crown of his head, she whispered to him. “Daddy is coming, Addy. Hold on for us, you cheeky boy. We need you.”

Adam didn’t respond to her soft promise, so she gave him another gentle kiss before turning back to the monster with the gun.

“He needs medical attention, Colt.”

The man in question frowned at her use of his first name, but before he could say anything she rushed to add. “Here’s the thing. We either get him the help he needs, or I fight. I will fight for the rest of my life, however short or long that might be.”

She stopped and looked him straight in the eye, knowing how much he hated it. He used to make a big production of slaves knowing their place and having the proper respect.

He had no clue what it really was all about. Colt would never understand the beautiful gift of submission because he would always think it was owed to him, not something earned.

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