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“Forgive me for being a smidge dense here, but who exactly are you asking?” Rueben asked.

Adam looked slightly taken aback as if he couldn’t understand how his intentions weren’t clear. “You mean, the two of you aren’t a couple?”

Rueben spluttered out unintelligible words, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing by turning his face away from them.

“No,” was Alisha’s curt response, shattering Rueben’s heart in pieces. “Just partners. I’m not his type.”

“Pfft,” Adam scoffed. “Officer Cutie Pie, you’re every man’s type. And I have a feeling that Officer Hot Pants over there would agree with me.”

Rueben’s shocked gaze zeroed in on Alisha to see her reaction to Adam’s declaration, and if it wasn’t frustrating as hell, the confusion on her face would have been adorable. Time and time again, he’d tried to make his interest in her clear over the last few months, but she’d kept on rebuffing him. He knew that a relationship between two partners was against policy, but he was new in the department. He had no issue transferring to another one, especially if it meant he had a shot with her.

“Don’t be daft, of course I’m not.”

At Alisha’s words Rueben saw red.

“Why the hell can’t you be my type?” The words burst from him before he could stop himself. “I’ve had to listen to you, subtly belittling yourself for months now. You’re sexy, funny when you let yourself go, and so smart you make me feel like a rookie sometimes. Adam is right. You’re fucking perfect and if you would just get out of your own damn way, and give me a shot, I could prove to you how amazing you are.”

Alisha stood there staring at him with large unblinking eyes. Well, he solidly fucked that shit up.

“Sounds to me like you two might have some talking to do. I’m gonna go face my doom with Nanny J, but before I do that, I’m just going to throw it out there. While you’re figuring out whatever is going on between the two of you, just keep me in mind would you? I’m mighty interested in the both of you and would like to be kept in consideration going forward.”

With those parting words, Adam bounced forward and planted a kiss on Alisha’s cheek before doing the same to Rueben. He tucked a business card in Rueben’s front shirt pocket before giving his biceps an appreciative squeeze. And then, like a summer breeze, he blew away, leaving the two of them to find their own way back to Derek’s office.

The silence between them was so thick and tense you could cut it with a knife, but neither seemed to be willing to break it. They stepped up to his desk, being ushered in by an efficient-looking brunette who introduced herself as Erika, Mr. Hawkins’ assistant.

After giving their thanks and exchanging numbers with the large man, they headed back to their cruiser. Alisha climbed into the car and immediately turned on the radio to drown out the overwhelming quiet inside the vehicle.

Not sure how to handle things or what to say to break into the awkwardness, Rueben kept his mouth shut and turned the car in the direction of the station. They had a report to file and a shit ton of paperwork to do before reporting back to their CO and making contact with Jessica’s parents.

That was another thing Rueben wasn’t looking forward to. After everything the young woman had told them, Rueben was glad they were in another state, because if he had to see them face to face, he might risk losing his badge to teach them a few lessons on how to treat your loved ones.

Rueben was so lost in thought he hadn’t even realized that Alisha had turned down the radio.

“So. Uh. We probably have some things to talk about.”

He looked at her, the scowl on his face so prevalent that he could feel a headache coming on.

She was infuriating. Here he was, thinking she had no interest in him. For months. And all this time she hadn’t rebuffed him. In fact, she was merely clueless to his interest. He knew he shouldn’t hold it against her, but it was hard not to after all the perceived rebuttals.

“That’s the understatement of the year,” was his only gruff response.

“I know it’s early, but would you like to get some lunch? We can sit down and talk somewhere that isn’t a huge-ass station with a million ears listening in?”

Rueben had to give her brownie points for braveness and facing it head on, so he responded with a nod before flicking on his indicator to head to a cute diner he liked to frequent.

Their silence stretched out until they were both seated with cups of coffee in front of them.

“I hope you’re ready, sweetness. Now that the dam has cracked, I’m not holding back anymore.”

Alisha swallowed down a hot sip of coffee before moving the cup forward, twirling it around in the saucer.

“You should probably know,” she began before taking a deep breath. “I’m a Little.”

Chapter 5

Alisha swallowed down her nerves and fears before looking back up at the imposing man in front of her. She was still in shock at the confession he’d made at the Ranch and had to figure out how exactly she felt about it. But she did know she needed to make it clear to him that she wasn’t a run-of-the-mill submissive. What she wanted was more. So much more. She was needy and a handful. And if he was really interested in her, she had to make sure he was aware of it all before she even tried to figure out her feelings toward her partner.

“Yes, sweet girl. I already guessed. And I’m a Daddy Dom. And Adam is quite obviously a Little, or more likely a Middle.”

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