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Adam couldn’t help the irrational hope that bubbled up in his chest as he unlocked the screen to see a missed call from an unknown number and a notification for an unread message.

He clicked on the text app to open it up and his heart actually skipped a beat at the message that awaited him.

Unknown: Hi, I tried phoning first. Let me know when you’re free. Don’t really want to do this over text. Rueben.

That was one loaded text message. He knew he was putting himself out there when he’d popped his card with his personal number in Officer Hot Pants’ pocket. He honestly hadn’t known if he’d hear from them at all.

If only he could decipher if the ‘this’ Rueben was referring to was a good thing or not.

He calculated the time he’d need for his afternoon activities and figured he would just bite the bullet and get it over with. There was no way he would be able to enjoy himself with the thought of the phone call hovering over him.

He clicked on the number and before he could second guess himself any more, he dialed it.

“This is Rueben Grey.” The gruff tone of his voice had Adam standing up straighter in reflex.

“Uh. Hi. It’s Adam. Adam Rose. You tried phoning me.”

The sexy sound of Rueben’s chuckle came through the phone which instantly eased Adam’s nerves.

“I’m glad you phoned, Adam. How are you doing?”

“Well, quite a smidge better now that I’m hearing your voice,” Adam responded feeling a bit more like his usual self now. The way in which Rueben addressed him could only mean that he was phoning for a good reason.

“Cheeky boy.” This elicited a shiver running down Adam’s spine. “Anyway. Let me put you on speakerphone.”

There was a rustle as Rueben did as promised before he said. “Alisha, sweetness, it’s Adam.”


Her soft voice floated up to him from the phone and the combination of hearing Rueben’s gruff baritone along with her sweet lilt had Adam sitting down on his bed.

“Hi, Adam.”

“Hi, honey bunches. Nice talking to you again.” Adam decided to throw caution to the wind. He was as successful as he was because he wasn’t timid, and didn’t wait for things to happen to or for him. “Can I deduce from you reaching out, that the two of you have sorted out some things? And by sorting out, I mean, are you phoning me to ask me out on a date?”

A deep chuckle mixed so beautifully with a soft laugh.

“Yes. Your deduction is accurate. I…” There was a pause as if Rueben were gathering his thoughts. “We figured that dinner could work out well, then we could all sit down and discuss expectations and get to know one another a bit better?” Rueben took charge, leading the conversation exactly in the way Adam liked it.

“Sure! As you’re aware, we have some amazing places here on the Ranch. I’m quite positive the kind of conversation we’re going to have would be better had out of the public eye,” Adam suggested, hoping they would take him up on the offer.

“Perfect. You pick the one you like best and we’ll meet you there tonight. Say around seven?” Rueben said.

“Great! I’ll make all the arrangements. See you two tonight.”

They said their farewells, and as soon as he hung up the phone, Adam threw himself back on the bed and took a minute to just enjoy the small victory.

The two cops had called to something in him, in a way he couldn’t ignore. He’d been trying to pretend for the last few days that it wouldn’t bother him if they didn’t phone. But with each glance to his phone with no notification, he’d felt a bit more dejected.

During his short interaction with Rueben, he gave off this vibe of being a strict yet rather indulgent Daddy. Exactly what Adam needed to help keep him grounded. He had a penchant for pushing boundaries and taking things a little far at times.

As for Alisha? Well... that was easy. She was sinfully sexy. And way too sweet. Heneededto corrupt her a bit. And having his wicked way with her was definitely going to be a bonus.

It was way too early to tell if there was going to be more. But there was so much potential and Adam just couldn’t help buthope.

After luxuriating in the joy and victory, he quickly changed into something he wouldn’t mind getting muddy before running out and stopping at his favorite of the Rawhide restaurants to make arrangements. Then he popped by reception, told them he was expecting two guests. Two! What a lucky boy he was turning out to be.

With that happy thought, Adam ran out to meet his friend. Those ATVs weren’t going to race themselves.
