Page 181 of Sweetheart: Part Two

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“It won’t,” he said, stepping into the room. “Walk away, Cerus, andmaybeI’ll let you join us for her heat.”

I shivered as my blood turned to ice, but neither of them seemed to notice me.

“Herwhat—?” Cerus looked wild, stepping toward Zeus. His charred scent became enraged. “I wantvengeance, Zeus. That’s what this was. I won’t let you take that from us for the sake ofobsession.”

Zeus closed the last few steps between them, his full height enough to dwarf Cerus. “We’ll do it the way I want to do it.”

Cerus’s aura split the air. Zeus, as if expecting it, released his instantly.

I staggered back in shock, feeling the shift in the bond.

A pack lead fight.

As Cerus swung at Zeus, I made for the door. I reached it, ripping it open, terror scoring my veins, when I drew up.



Zeus had commanded me not to leave.

It was leave, and suffer, or… I jumped violently at the crash from behind me. My breathing was ragged, fist trembling as I clutched the doorknob, staring into the hallway beyond.

It didn’t matter.

Triton had appeared down the hall, Achlys right after him.

I stepped back before they could see me, eyes darting around the room. The brawling alphas crashed into the armchair on the far end.

I did what I’d done a thousand times in my life—I hid. This time, I made for the bed, squeezing under it just in time for Triton and Achlys to come bursting into the room.

I covered my ears, squeezing my eyes shut, a whispered lullaby sounding just for me as I felt the pressure of their auras in the air.

Were they fighting each other, or hurting her?

I didn’t know.

It hurt not to know. The temptation to lift my hands and stop singing was unending, but she was always firm when she told me what to do.

“Don’t come out too soon. Wait. Wait until there are no more auras and then wait some more. And always whisper, don’t let them know where you are.”

Always whisper.

Always whisper.

It wasn’t until the auras were gone that I shakily removed my hands from my ears. The crashes had stopped.

I blinked my eyes open, then flinched at the sight before me. Cerus was on the ground. Blood trickled from his mouth. The armchair Zeus had favoured on his visits was on its side behind him. He was still but for faint breaths, eyes shut.

I could see Zeus’s black boots beside him, nudging him onto his back.

“Take him to his room.” I saw him being dragged out. Triton’s old beer and Achlys’ foul scent of bitter onions faded back to just traces. Until it was just stale cigarettes lingering.

“Are you hiding, Vex?” Zeus murmured.

I clamped my hand over my mouth to cut off my reply, but there was no pull trying to force me to answer, as if he didn’t care if I did or not. He paused for a long moment, then walked toward the bed, each step bringing him closer. When he reached it, he turned, and I heard the shift of a mattress as he sat down.

Then he shifted, boot tapping the foot of the bed. “Come out.”
