Page 189 of Sweetheart: Part Two

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“Then tell them.”

She looked back to me, expression crumbling. “I need to… Iwantto be here.”

“Drake.”It looked like it took everything in him to listen to me, but he stepped back at last.

“Zeus,” I said. “Tell mewhat you want.”

“This is about you and me, Love.”

I stared at him.


Not Drake or Ebony?

Relief flooded my system. That was good.

“Your pack ruined us on your watch, Love,” Zeus said. “Your brotherhumiliatedus.”

“Give me the damn list,” I said. “Tell me what you want me to do. I’ll do it.”

“There’s no list. Just one thing. The only payment that will suffice.” The smile on Zeus’s face sent a chill down my spine, something soul deep in me knowing that what was about to come, it would be bad. “An eye for an eye,” Zeus said. “Seems only fair.”

“What does that mean?”

“What did your pack do to us?” he asked.

“Tell me what you want me to do.” With every second that passed, it was harder to keep my voice even.

“You misunderstand. This is about you, not because it’s you who’ll pay, but because it’s you who will suffer.”

What did that mean?

We’d taken Drake from them. I knew that. But Drake was pack. I would move heaven and earth before allowing Drake near them. Zeus had to know that wasn’t an option.

Except taking Drake wasn’t all that had happened.

Iknewit was worse than that. That truth was one I realised I’d been burying deep until now, my mind working overtime to avoid what it might mean.

I’d arrived when it was long over.

Drake—a young actor I’d never noticed before now—had found me, dragging me back to Ebony. We got there far too late to do anything.

I found my brother standing over the body of a trembling alpha. He was shattered, his aura flickering in and out.

His pack was gone.

“What have you done?” I grabbed Ebony, but all I got were those curious silver eyes.

In his hand was the cleaving iron. The one the alpha had just used to tear himself apart.

“We’re safe,” Ebony told me in perfect calm. “He won’t tell.”

I glanced down again at the seizing body of Zephyr Rogan.

Cleaved from his pack on his knees before my brother—that’s what Drake had said.

