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It seems so, although if anything, his grip on me has tightened. I don’t remember going to Ryan’s room and I definitely don’t remember undressing. How did this happen?

And oh god, but he’s gorgeous next to me while wearing next to nothing. The man is naked, at least from the waist up. I can see his broad shoulders, sculpted chest and—dear God—his six-pack abs. My mouth waters, and I imagine tracing my tongue along those ridges. He’s got a vee that leads lower, but my sight is blocked by the hem of his boxer briefs. Oh god, how much I’d love to tear those away at this very moment.

But I can’t do this. I have to get away. This is my boss, for crying out loud! I take care of his kids, and I can’t be in bed with him without jeopardizing my job. Suddenly, a thought strikes. Yes, I have my panties on and he has his boxers on too.

But did I sleep with him? Everything’s so muzzy in my head, that I’m not even sure. I would remember if I slept with him, wouldn’t I? I can’t imagine not remembering that. No, that’s not possible.

Gently, I try to squirm out from under a bronzed, muscular arm. It’s impossible because if anything, he pulls me in tighter, his bicep hooking under my breasts as one hand skates dangerously close to my nipple. I freeze, unsure what to do next. Do I throw his arm off and make a run for it? Or should I try to squeeze out from under it again, and hope that he stays asleep?

Suddenly, a deep, rough voice murmurs in my ear.

“Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

My heart flips over because Ryan’s awake, and it’s time to get to the bottom of this.



The girl is stunning and feels amazing curled up against my heavy mass. Regina’s all curves and softness, beginning with her lush ass pressed against my semi-erect dick.

“Ryan?” she squeaks.

I pull her closer, and chuckle as she lets out a tiny yelp.

“Yes?” I growl in her ear. “How did you sleep, sweetheart?”

She’s breathing fast and her heart is racing like a rabbit. Good, because mine is too. After I got back last night, I saw the kids and Regina curled up in the playroom. The setting was tranquil and so peaceful that I almost let them be. But I could see how Rachel’s head was contorted to the left, and how Regina was curled in a ball because the couch was too small.

Instead, I lifted my kids one by one to their bedrooms, saving my beautiful nanny for last. When I lifted her soft shape into my arms, I stopped for a moment, breathing in her scent. Her hair fell lushly against my hands, and she curled against my chest like she belonged there. I even began the long march to the nanny’s suite, but my legs wouldn’t obey me. Instead, I went left, left, right and then left again, and soon I was standing in front of the master bedroom.

I didn’t let myself think about what I was doing. She was tired, and she deserved a bigger bed than the four poster in her own room. I lay her on my huge king-size, and slowly took off her clothes. With every inch of creamy skin that was revealed, I grew harder. Regina is absolutely luscious, with those enormous tits and the sweet, soft shadow between her thighs.

Tempted, I trailed a finger over her cloth-covered slit. The panties were silky, and my finger bumped over that hard clit. She moaned slightly, reaching for me, but I held still. I can’t do this. I can’t force myself on a beautiful, sleeping girl. Instead, I helped her under the covers, and then stripped and got in right next to her. In a flash, Regina was curled up next to me, her head on my chest with her hair spilling across my pecs. Nothing had ever felt so right.

But it was a few hours before I could get to sleep, and the wait was excruciating. I treated myself to a few more light trails across her panties, and even a pluck or two at a sweet pink nipple, but each time she seemed to rouse, I stopped. I can’t do this. She’s my nanny, and so goddamn young. I shouldn’t.

But now, she’s awake and looking like a cross between a terrified doe and an angry tiger. Regina takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes.

“How did I get here, Ryan?”

“You mean in my bed?” I drawl.

She nods, holding my gaze, which is hard to do given that our faces are about five inches apart. She’s gorgeous with that pert nose and plush, pink pout. I’m tempted to kiss it, but I don’t think she’d let me right now.

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