Page 126 of Ben

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“You’re welcome, love. Also, I made you all something.”

She reaches into her bag and pulls out matching shirts. Ford groans and Ben chuckles, pulling his shirt off and tugging on the button-up Ford’s mom made.

“It’s perfect. I can’t wait to match with my guys.”

Ford and I pull ours on, and Ford’s mom takes a picture of us together, looking like losers with matching shirts that say “Sharing is Caring”. But it makes Ford’s mom happy and Ben is almost crying with happiness, so I let it go.

If this makes him happy, I’ll do it.

I’ll do whatever he wants to make him smile.



Cash proposed! The three of us drove the motorcycles up to a hilltop among the stars and the moonlight. I sat on the back of Cash’s bike, clinging to him for dear life, loving the feel of him against me, loving how carefully he maneuvered in and out of traffic.

And when we finally arrived, he got down on one knee and held out rings to us.

I wept, and Ford sniffled a bit, and we both said yes.

We got Cash a ring too, later that week. We all went and picked it out together so we all match. Ford and Cash’s are thicker black titanium bands while mine is a bit thinner and daintier. They’re perfect.

And now, I’m curled up beside them, the TV playing in the background as we lounge on the couch after a long day of work. I still haven’t found a full-time job in social work, but I’m hoping that the senior living facility I currently work reception at will hire me for a higher position. But that’s yet to be seen. Right now, I’m just happy to come home to Cash and Ford, to let them hold me and fuck me to sleep.

“This movie is wretched,” Cash grumbles. “I’m bored as fuck.”

“It’s what Ben wanted to watch.”

“Well, he’s half asleep too.”

I arch into him, nearly purring. “You guys are making me too sleepy, rubbing me like this.”

My head is on Cash’s lap, his hand in my hair, and Ford is rubbing at my legs. I’m nearly comatose.

“How about we go to bed?”

“Only if you fuck me first.”


They pick me up and bring me out to the shed, the one they made just for me.

“I love this place,” I say with a sigh as they set me down on a cushioned table. Sex toys surround us, and I feel my cock harden with need.

“We’re gonna take care of you, Ben,” Ford says as he starts to undress me.

“Always,” Cash chimes in, leaning down to kiss me.

And that’s how we spend the next few hours. They show me just how much they love me and need me, and I do the same right back.
