Page 97 of Ben

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“We do, but we need Ben to be okay with it.”

Cash nods, and then I meet his stare. “Let’s just focus on getting you through your parents’ anniversary tomorrow night and then we can work on Dean. We can do this. Together.”

Cash nestles his face in Ben’s neck.


It’s just a whisper, but I know that it holds weight.

We can.

We can do this.

The three of us.

* * *

“Come here,” Cash hisses.

I blink my eyes open and notice that Ben is huddled under the blankets. He’s snoring slightly and seems to be completely dead to the world. Alcohol will do that to a person.

Cash is standing above me, and he nods toward the door.

As nimbly as I can, I follow Cash out into the other room, adjusting my morning wood as I go.

“What is it?” I ask as I rub the sleep from my eyes.

Cash leans down and holds up a duffle bag. He sets it on the kitchen table with a clunk and then unzips it.


I peer inside and find my lips turning up at the corners.

“He wasn’t joking about the dildos.”

“No, he wasn’t.”

“Why does he have so many?” I ask as I start to sift through them. It’s an impressive collection, one that even I could envy. And it’s not just dildos. It’s all sorts of toys.

Seems Ben has always been a horny little fucker.

No wonder he needs two dicks to keep him satisfied. One just wouldn’t do.

“I don’t know, but what the fuck do we do with all these?”

He picks one up and jiggles it in front of his face. It’s enormous and my cock twitches in my pants when I envision Ben sliding that up his butt.

“I mean, we use them on him,” I say with a shrug, and Cash glowers at me.

“Is he not happy with our dicks?” he asks, and I roll my eyes, knowing that Cash is feeling insecure.

“No. He’s happy with them. I guarantee it. He’s probably just pissed at us for making him wait. For taking it slow. I mean, he barreled into our sex lives.”

“He did. How did it happen for you?” Cash asks, setting the dildo down on the table with a thunk.

I feel suddenly nervous for some reason. Guess this is something we haven’t discussed before.

“A couple months ago I drove him home. Dean was out and uh… well, he had been dropping all these hints at work. Flirting, you know,” I rub the back of my neck. “And it just kind of happened. We sucked each other’s dicks on his bed.”
