Page 41 of Twisted Liars

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She glanced at her locker and slowly opened and closed her mouth twice in a row, like she was considering the creepy note and wondering if she should tell me. Then she turned back to face me with a tight smile. “I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding,” she said.

“Yeah, that’s what I think too,” I said, nodding. “Just a weird misunderstanding.”

“Wait.” She frowned. “You said you heard it from a couple of people. Who was the other one?”

I sighed. “You know that Instagram account that keeps posting shit about Amerie?”


“I’m pretty sure I saw something on there earlier. About you.”

Piper’s brows shot up. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Here, I’ll show you.” I dipped my chin toward her phone and grabbed it before she could stop me. Then I swiped on her screen. “Oh, hold on. I need your code. Type it in for me?”

She frantically did as I said, presumably too worried about the rumors to care if I saw it. 967453. I committed it to memory, knowing I’d need it later.

“Okay, it’s right here,” I said, opening the Instagram account. “Wait. It’s gone.”

“They deleted the post?”

“Yeah. That’s good, right? It means tons of people were commenting on it and calling it out as bullshit.”

Piper’s lips tightened. A mix of fear and anger was flashing in her eyes. “Yeah, I guess so,” she muttered.

“Like I said, don’t even worry about this shit. I’m shutting it all down.” I patted her on the shoulder. “You really don’t deserve this.”

Because you deserve much worse, I silently added.

“Thank you, Jensen. Amerie is lucky to have you on her side,” Piper said softly, averting her gaze from mine.

“Never thought I’d hear anyone say that about me,” I said with a grin. “Anyway, I have to grab some shit from my locker before the bell goes off again. See you later.”

The bell rang right as I opened my locker to grab my tablet. An envelope was tucked in the corner. Weird. I yanked it out and turned it over, brows furrowing at the sight of the golden cornucopia wax seal on the back.

Heart pounding, I tore it open and pulled out the letter inside.


You have been chosen to attend a meeting with a selection of the highest-ranking members of our society. The meeting will take place this Friday night at St. Joseph’s cemetery at 10 o’clock. Please come alone and dress in the appropriate garb. Bring this letter with you for entry.

Yours truly,

The Rosmerta Society.


I stared at the clock on my burner phone, pulse racing with anticipation. Each passing minute felt like an eternity. Midnight had come and gone half an hour ago, and I still hadn’t heard from Jensen.

Smothering a yawn, I slid farther under my blankets, keeping the phone hidden so the camera above my head wouldn’t pick up on it. A text finally appeared a few seconds later.

Jensen: Getting ready to go. Is Piper definitely asleep?

Me: Yes. She went to bed at 8:30. That stuff you gave me worked really well.

Earlier this afternoon, Jensen had raided his mother’s bathroom cabinet, looking for some mild sedatives. The woman practically had her own pharmacy in that cupboard, so he grabbed a bottle from the back and sneaked it over to me, knowing she’d never miss it.

After dinner, I offered to help Piper with her English essay. Then I offered to make us hot chocolates to have while we studied together. I took one of the sedatives Jensen surreptitiously handed to me earlier, crushed it, and stirred it into Piper’s drink. As predicted, she went to bed earlier than usual, and she was out like a light within minutes. When I went to check on her before my own bedtime, just to make sure, she was still snoring like a freight train.
