Page 36 of Mine

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I shrugged. “Didn’t notice.”

“Right.” A disbelieving glint lingered in his eyes. “I saw her a few days ago. Sienna, I mean.”

I dipped my chin in a brief nod and tried my best to affect a neutral expression. “Yeah, I saw her at the game too. And the one before that. Guess she’s a hockey fan now.”

Justin lowered his voice. “No, I mean I hung out with her. It was for that interview with the Observer,” he said. “I probably should’ve let you know earlier, but I figured it would go down easier if you had at least one beer in you.”

I already knew about the interview, along with everything else Sienna got up to on Tuesday, but I had to pretend that I had no clue. After all, I didn’t want anyone to realize just how much time I spent fixated on that nasty little woman.

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head. “What are you talking about?”

“Sienna’s studying at Worthington now,” Justin said. “Journalism major. She got an internship at the paper, and they have her doing team interviews and stuff like that. She’s doing it for the whole semester.”

Ah. That explained why she kept coming to games. I initially thought the interview with Justin was just a one-off thing for her paper internship.

“Right. So you talked to her?” I said, still feigning ignorance. As if I hadn’t caught the tail end of their conversation and watched him escort her down to the arena tunnels afterwards.

“Yeah. You’ll have to do it at some point too, you know. So maybe you should give her a call. Have coffee with her or something,” he replied. “She’s probably going to be around the team a lot for this paper stuff, so it’d be good to clear the air with her. Maybe even…”

He trailed off, and I frowned. “Maybe even what?”

“Maybe you could even get to know her again,” he said. “Start over. It could help you with all that shit from the past. I know you still think about it a lot, even though you’d never admit that out loud.”

I let out a derisive snort. “I’d rather stick my dick in a fucking blender than go near Sienna Holland ever again.”

“Have you ever thought about being a poet?” he asked, lips twisting into an amused smirk. “You have such a beautiful, soulful way with words.”

“I’m dead serious, man,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “I wish I never got to know her in the first place. I sure as fuck don’t want to do it again, let alone start things over with her.”

He raised a brow. “I forgot to tell you. She’s actually Sienna McConville now. Not Holland.”

“She got married?” I asked, a little too fast. I didn’t know that.

“I thought you didn’t want to know anything about her,” Justin replied, lips twisting into a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. “C’mon, man.”

He was being a pedantic dick, but to be fair, he had a point. Why should I care if Sienna was with someone else? It wasn’t going to stop me from carrying out my plan to break her.

“She’s not married. It’s her mom’s last name,” he said. “Who the fuck gets married at nineteen?”

“I dunno. I’m sure some people do.” My eyes skated over his shoulder, to another brunette girl who’d just wandered into the house through the side door. For a split-second, I thought it was Sienna, but once again, it was just another brunette with a passing resemblance.

“Seriously, man. I think it could be good for you to see Sienna again,” Justin said, clapping a heavy hand on my shoulder. “There’s a lot you two could say to each other. Get it all out in the open. It’d be good for both of you.”

My gaze snapped back to his face. “I meant what I said before,” I replied, voice edged with steel. “I never want to talk to her again.”

“Yeah?” His brows rose. “Then how come you constantly look for her in every single room you walk into?”

Anger flared in my chest as he spoke. Not at him. At myself.

Justin was right. As much as I’d tried to push Sienna out of my mind, my gaze had instantly sought her out in every room I’d stepped into over the last three years. It used to be dirty-blonde girls that captured my attention, because that was how I remembered her from school, but now that she’d dyed her hair brown, I couldn’t stop staring at every single brunette that crossed my path, wondering if they were her.

For fuck’s sake. That shit was pathetic, and it had to stop.

I had to get rid of Sienna once and for all.


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