Page 41 of Mine

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It actually wasn’t difficult for me to get a dorm within viewing distance of hers. Whittaker Hall was built like a courtyard apartment complex with two giant wings that faced each other, connected by a third side, creating a U-shaped layout. The huge open space in between was taken up by a courtyard and a parking lot.

I used to live in the more modern Logue residence hall near the arena, but as soon as I found out where Sienna was living, I went to the dorm in the part of the wing directly opposite her window and offered the resident five grand to switch with me for the rest of the semester. The guy couldn’t believe his luck. Free money and a bigger, better dorm closer to all of his classes.

I couldn’t believe my luck, either. Every night, I could sit and watch Sienna’s life play out like it was my own personal streaming service that existed solely for my viewing pleasure.

She smiled at something the person on the phone said to her. Then she finally ended the call and stood, stretching her arms above her head as her mouth dropped open in a yawn.

God, I wanted to fuck that mouth so badly. My dick stirred in my jeans at the thought, and I let out a grunt and shifted in my chair. My eyes remained on Sienna, watching as she padded over to her desk and sat down.

She was so fucking beautiful. Somehow even more beautiful than the image that had been burned in my memory for all these years.

At the thought of that, anger rose inside me all over again, bursting into riotous bloom behind my ribs. I hated her so fucking much for making me want her like this. It made me want to pick her up by the neck and throttle her until black tears ran down her pink cheeks. Made me crave her screams and choked sobs. Made me want to fuck the shit out of her at the same time, so I could lick those salty tears right off her face as her tight pussy squeezed my cock.

I let out a string of curse words in a low mutter, nostrils flaring with irritation. It was unfathomable that this girl could still hold so much power over me after everything she’d put me through.

As she tilted her head and frowned, I stood and moved closer to my window, zooming in even further on my camera app. It made the image appear a little grainy, but I could still see her well enough. She was biting her bottom lip and… shit, she was looking straight at me.

I abruptly stepped back, pulse accelerating. My light was off, so there was no way she could see me lurking here by my window, unless she had some sort of superhuman vision.

She kept frowning and staring right at me. I took another step back, brows furrowing. Was I wrong about her level of ignorance? Did she know I was watching her right now? Did she also know I’d moved in directly across from her?

Her right hand suddenly darted forward to rub the windowpane in front of her. I breathed a short sigh of relief at the sight. She couldn’t see me at all. She’d just noticed a smudge on the window and decided to wipe it off.

She went back to reading for a few minutes. Then she shook her head and rubbed her eyes, clearly too tired to concentrate. Her plump pink lips parted in another yawn, and she rose to her feet and stretched her arms again. This time, she was directly facing the window, giving me a perfect view of her cleavage as her satin robe shifted along with her movements.

“Fuck,” I muttered to myself, grimacing as my dick stirred yet again. Sienna had truly cast a spell on me.

I’d never even seen her naked, but somehow I knew exactly what her body looked like beneath her clothes. Knew every curve, every contour, every subtle detail like the freckle on the left side of her neck. In my mind’s eye, I could trace the gentle slope of her shoulders, the graceful curve of her waist, the delicate arch of her back. I could almost feel the softness of her skin and taste the sweetness of her lips, too.

Clenching my jaw, I unzipped my jeans with one hand, using the other to hold my phone steady so I could keep staring at Sienna. I worked myself in furious strokes, imagining that she was right here in front of me, on her knees with her hands tied behind her back. Then I conjured up her voice in my head, begging and pleading for me to free her and fuck her brains out.

A part of her wanted me. I knew it after I accosted her in the tunnel a few weeks ago. The evil, toxic little bitch hated me, but she fucking wanted me at the same time, just like I simultaneously hated and wanted her.

I bit down on my lower lip, splitting open an old cut from last week’s training session. Pleasure blended with pain as blood seeped into my mouth, and I savored the metallic taste on my tongue, imagining it belonged to Sienna.

“Fuck, yeah,” I grunted through gritted teeth as my muscles tensed. I gripped my cock even harder and closed my eyes, mentally fucking Sienna. I knew how wet she got for me now. How warm and tight she was. Jesus, her pussy was perfect.

My lungs burned from the exertion as I pumped my cock harder. I let out a low groan and spurted in my hand, eyes still locked on Sienna.

I grabbed a wad of tissues to soak up the mess. Then I stepped into the bathroom to wash my hands as a familiar mix of anger and regret trickled through my veins.

When I returned to the main part of my dorm, I picked up my phone and took one last look at Sienna for the evening. Her brows dipped in a frown as she stared at her window again. Then she hurried over and wrenched the curtains shut. I knew she hadn’t spotted me, but some primal part of her must’ve sensed my voyeurism anyway.

With a tired grunt, I closed my own curtains and switched the light back on. My phone trilled with a text a few seconds later. It was my teammate Keegan. Hey man, you still need my cousin’s number?

A devious smile played on my lips as I texted him back. Yeah, send it through.

I’d almost forgotten about this guy. According to Keegan, he was some sort of computer prodigy. He couldn’t hack something as well-protected as FBI or CIA systems, but he could get into pretty much anything else.

Just to confirm, I wrote in another text. He can definitely get into security systems, right?

Keegan messaged back immediately. Yup. Just warning you though - he charges a lot.

That was fine by me. I was given a sponsorship by a protein powder company last year, and I’d also done a modeling gig for a sportswear company a few months ago. I had enough disposable income to last at least two years before I needed to worry about doing anything else, and by then, I’d be signing a contract for an NHL salary anyway. So Keegan’s genius cousin could charge me anything he damn well wanted in return for helping me.

Whatever it cost to get rid of Sienna… it was worth it. And the best part?

I could have a bit of fun first.
