Page 48 of Mine

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“What?” My eyes bulged. “Are you saying someone drugged me?”

Caswell ignored my question. “Sienna, we have to ask. Did you take something last night?”

“No!” I said, fervently shaking my head. “Of course not!”

“Can you explain how the drugs got in your system?”

“It must be a mistake. I take multivitamins and melatonin at night, and a contraceptive pill in the morning. That’s all,” I said, lifting my chin. “Nothing illegal.”

“Is it possible you and Michaela did go to a bar last night, and you didn’t mention it to us earlier because you’re underage?” Steenkamp asked. “That’s understandable. But someone could’ve spiked your drink while you were there, and we need to know if that’s a possibility so we can look into it.”

“I didn’t go to a bar,” I snapped. “I wasn’t lying earlier. Michaela and I studied for a while, and then I went to bed.”

“So how do you explain the tox screen results?”

“I told you, someone must’ve drugged me!”

“Do you have any idea how or when they might’ve done that?”

“No, I—” I stopped abruptly and sat up straight. “Oh my god. Yes, I do know how. Remember when I said I lost my key?”

Caswell nodded curtly. “Yes.”

“Someone must’ve stolen it yesterday. Then they used it to get into my dorm while I was still out. I have a minifridge with bottled water in it, and I drink one every night before bed to wash down my tablets. They could’ve put drugs in the bottles, right?”

Caswell tilted his head to one side. “Prior to stealing your key, how would this person have known that you drink a bottle of water just before bed every night?”

“I… I don’t know. I guess they could’ve been watching me through my window at night.”

“Can you think of anyone who might want to do that?” Steenkamp asked.

I took a deep breath, preparing to answer. Before I could get a single word out, a flurry of memories from last night rushed back into my head, hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Of course. I should’ve known. It was Paxton. He stole my key. He slipped into my dorm. He…

Oh, no. The rest of it was coming back now. The way he touched me. Stripped me naked. Made me come with the knife handle. Made me beg him for it.

A hot, humiliated flush crept up my neck and cheeks. “No,” I muttered, scratching the side of my head.

Steenkamp narrowed her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I have no idea who would want to do anything to hurt me,” I said, looking down at the baby-blue knitted blanket that covered my legs.

I couldn’t tell them about Paxton’s presence in my room last night. No way. They’d have to figure it out on their own during their investigation.

After all, I’d already accused Paxton of a terrible crime in the past, and the authorities totally cleared him of it, leaving me looking like a nasty, vindictive liar. So if I accused him of anything ever again, they’d think I was just up to my old tricks—throwing out a pack of lies in an attempt to hurt Paxton.

Clearly, he knew that. Knew he’d get away with doing whatever he wanted to me because I’d be too scared to tell the cops out of fear for my already-tenuous reputation.

“All right.” Caswell made another note on his pad, brows furrowing.

“What do you think happened to me?” I asked in a wooden tone, staring at him. This whole time, I’d gotten the impression that he and his partner knew a hell of a lot more than what they were saying. Detectives always did. They just didn’t tell you because they wanted to see what you’d say first. How you’d react. I learned that after the lake house murders.

His lips flattened. “Well, Whittaker has security cameras in the lobby. Also near the stairwell of each floor. We’ve watched the tapes, and we didn’t find any evidence of anyone arriving on your floor after midnight,” he said. “Anyone who wasn’t supposed to be there, that is. Everyone on the tapes has been accounted for. All Whittaker residents.”

“So… the person who did this to me lives in the building?” I asked, forehead wrinkling.

I had no idea where Paxton lived, but it was certainly possible he had a dorm at Whittaker. It was open to student residents of any age, not just freshmen.

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