Page 57 of Mine

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I lifted my hands in protest. “Seriously, you don’t need to do th—”

She cut me off as her fingertips flew over the screen. “It’s not a ton of money. It’s just enough for tonight.”


She raised her gaze to mine and grinned. “After the shitty day you’ve had, I think it’s about time we finally put those fake IDs to good use. Right?”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that,” Tate said, brows rising.

“So it’s settled, then,” Michaela said, eyes glittering with mischief. “Tonight, we’re going out and getting good and drunk.”


The neon lights of the club pulsed in time with the heavy beat of the music, lighting up the chaotic dance floor in a frenetic blur of bright and wild colors. The atmosphere was electric, filled with shrieks of laughter, clinking glasses, and the steady thump of the bass.

I watched the action from a corner table, contentedly leaning back against my cushioned seat as one finger traced swirly patterns on the condensation that had collected on the side of my cocktail glass. So far, the night was going well. The drinks were delicious, the music was good, and the club was alive with the promise of an exciting night. It was a very welcome distraction from the last few days, which had been nothing short of horrendous.

Michaela leaned across the table and nudged my arm. “Want to dance?”

“Yup.” I nodded and took another sip of my drink. “As soon as I finish this.”

Tate threw back the remainder of his own cocktail before speaking up. “Please tell me you’ve developed better dancing skills since high school,” he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Because I sure as hell haven’t, and at least one of us has to look decent out there, right?”

I grinned. “I wouldn’t say I’m good. Acceptable, maybe.”

“Um, hello? What about me?” Michaela pouted. “I’m an amazing dancer!”

“That’s true. You’re pretty good.” Tate slowly nodded as he replied, eyes fixed on her. Her gaze dropped to her phone screen, and his eyes narrowed for a second. At the same time, his lips thinned, like he was trying to stop himself from saying something to her.

I watched the short interaction with a small frown. The other morning at the hospital, Michaela mentioned that she thought Tate had been acting a bit strangely lately. I hadn’t thought much of it at the time, given everything else that was going on, but now that the seed had been planted in my head, I was noticing it more and more whenever I was around the two of them. Tate was acting a little odd. I couldn’t put my finger on why, though. It was just little comments and expressions here and there.

I polished off my drink and stood, one hand slapping the table. “Okay, I think I’m buzzed enough to embarrass myself out there. Let’s go!”

At that exact moment, the music shifted to a song we all loved. We headed out to the main floor and melted into the crowd, singing along as we danced with wild abandon.

The music changed again, and the pulsing neon lights suddenly vanished. Everyone shrieked as the club was plunged into darkness, and then the bass dropped. I kept dancing, eyes closing as I lost myself to the beat.

God, this felt good. In all this darkness and noise, no one could see or hear me. No one could judge me. I could just be myself and have fun. Forget about the world and all of its problems.

A body appeared behind me, pressing right up against me. Big masculine hands went to my hips, holding me steady as I swayed. I let it happen, melting back against the stranger’s touch. Whoever he was, he smelled amazing, and the way his fingertips were sliding up against the hem of my top was sending little shivers of desire through me.

I turned around to face him, letting out a soft giggle. At the same time, bright strobe lights went on, revealing that my sexy mystery dance partner was none other than Paxton.


I froze and stared up at him with naked horror. The look in his eyes matched my expression. His lips parted, like he was about to say something, but I didn’t give him a chance. I turned on my heel and bolted off the dance floor, heading for one side of the double staircase that led to the club’s second level.

Halfway up, I turned my head over my shoulder to see if he’d followed me, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. I breathed a sigh of relief and slipped past a group of people standing on the balcony with shot glasses.

One of them broke away from the group and called out to me as I passed. “Sienna! Hey!”

I paused and looked back at the guy, brows dipping in a frown. Where did I know him from? He seemed somewhat familiar, but I couldn’t quite place his face or voice.

“So I hear I’m not the only intern who’s been fired from the Observer now!” he shouted over the music. He held out a shot glass. “Here! Have this. I think you need it.”

Recognition finally dawned on me as he spoke. It was Cade, one of the other interns from the newspaper this semester. He’d been fired for his consistently-late work.

“Right. Yeah. Thanks!” I accepted the shot and knocked it back.
