Page 126 of Berries and Greed

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Snorting, I climbed over his splayed leg to prop myself up on an elbow beside him, resting my hand over his chest. His two hearts were thudding hard and fast, skin slightly damp with sweat. “You were amazing, Greid.”

He shivered from the praise, drowsy eyes meeting mine as he let out a shaky breath. Licking his lips, he settled a hand on my hip. “Sorry I, um, made noise. I’ll do better next time.” My chest tightened, and I started leaning down to kiss him, but before I could he blurted, “Not that I’m assuming there’ll be—You don’t have to—”

“Greid,” I said sternly, before cutting him off with a firm kiss. He melted, fingers digging into my hip as he kissed me back sweetly. “You were so good,” I told him after pulling back. “Hardly made a peep, which is pretty impressive.”

He gave me a shy grin. “I thought my head was gonna explode.”

Laughing, I kissed him again. “Next time, you can make all the noise you want. But maybe around a gag,” I added slyly, chuckling when his breath caught.

“Don’t make me get hard again,” he rasped. “I’ll pass out if all the blood rushes back to my cock, and I’m pretty sure there aren’t any fluids left in my body.”

That made me sit up, knee-walking across the bed to reach for the glass of water on the nightstand. When I held it out for Greid, he heaved himself up with a groan. As he gulped it down, he eyed me nervously over the rim of the glass.

“Was it, um, okay?” he asked me anxiously after pulling back, his ears fluttering. “I’ve never… you know, done that with a human before.”

I grinned at him. “You made me come really hard. Twice. So that should tell you everything.” I gestured at his relaxed cock. “I’ve never done that with a demiurgus either, so we’re even.”

He snorted. “I have a dick, though. Don’t think there’s all that much nuance when it comes to dicks. You could probably just hover your hand over it like a crystal ball and I’d be happy.”

Bursting out laughing, I took the glass from him and set it back down before cupping his face in my hands. “Well, I like actually touching your dick, so I’m going to be doing a lot more than trying to see the future in it.”

His huge hands settled on my hips, squeezing gently as he leaned in and kissed me. “This was so much better than watching infomercials for ScrubShoes,” he mumbled against my mouth.

I laughed, pressing one last kiss to his mouth before pulling back. “Well, we can do both. Let’s watch TV for a while.”

“What, downstairs? Aren’t you tired?”

“No, I meant…” My pulse jumped with nerves. Would this be too much? “I meant do you want to sleep here? We can… I’ll probably fall asleep, but—”

“Yes,” he blurted out. “Okay. Yeah. That’d be… I’d like that. If you don’t mind. I can just go—”

“I want you to stay here, Greid,” I said with a tiny smile, cutting off his nervous rambling. “But you can go get your onesie first if you’ll be more comfortable in it.”

“Okay.” He scrambled off the bed. “I’m just gonna grab something to eat as well. Do you want anything?”

Laughing, I shook my head, then spotted the dildo on the bed. “Hold on, don’t forget this.”

Greid’s ears fluttered wildly as he let out a self-conscious chuckle and took it from me. “Oh, yeah. Right. Um…”

“Make sure it’s nice and clean for next time.” I smirked at him, settling under the covers. “Hurry back, Greid.”

He gulped, staring at me with wide eyes before mumbling, “’Kay,” and turning for the door.

I grinned, watched his tail swish over his pert backside as he padded out of the room.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


My legs were still trembling wildly as I made my way downstairs. My whole body was, in fact. I felt almost drunk—slow and relaxed, with a big, stupid grin on my face.

After washing the dildo and cleaning all the cum off me—and the lube off my ass—I slipped on my onesie and padded into the kitchen. For once, the hum of the overhead lights didn’t bother me much. I was too freaking relaxed to care.

I opened the fridge and automatically grabbed a can of soda, still super thirsty, but hesitated. With a grunt, I put it back and did the sensible thing by filling up two glasses of water. Caffeine probably wasn’t a good idea, and I had said to Beryl that I was going to try and eat more like a responsible adult.

Even though that sounded really boring.

I still grabbed the bag of snacks I’d bought earlier and carried it upstairs with me, my belly twisting into an excited knot, tighter and tighter with every step. I was gonna sleep with Beryl. I was going to be able to curl around her all night, bury my face in her wild curls, breathe her in and feel her soft body all loose and relaxed in sleep.
