Page 139 of Berries and Greed

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Her voice was slurred, but mine was too. My face was numb from laughing and smiling so much. We’d ended up sitting at our table for hours, talking about everything. Our jobs, food, places in the city—that had mainly been Corva suggesting places for me to visit—and more about her fraught matehood with Gorig. The first time a question about my past came up, I’d just told her that I’d had a strange childhood and she’d dropped it, sensing I didn’t want to talk about it. That was it. It had been that easy, and I’d been able to relax completely.

Now I was a little tipsy—okay, more than tipsy. I was drunk. And I was desperate to see Greid.

I pulled my phone out of my coat pocket and peered down at the screen, trying to focus my wavering vision, to see if he’d responded to my text. I made a face when I realised it hadn’t been as coherent as I’d thought.

don now!!1 wil u cpm meet me??? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

For some reason I’d sent a second text that was just another row of x’s that filled half the screen. He’d responded, and I felt my already warm face flush even hotter when I read it.

lmao. yeah no prob. on my way.

“Oh god, do I look really drunk?” I peered up at Corva—no, two Corvas—and saw her blinking slowly back down at me.

“No way,” she told me emphatically, but as she said it I had to reach out and grab her arm to stop her swaying too far to the side. “Totally sober.”

I wasn’t sure I believed her, because she looked as drunk as I felt. She tried to tuck her arm through mine, but seeing as she was at least a foot taller than me it ended up in my armpit.

“My cab’s here.” She leaned heavily into my side. “Is Greid outside?”

“Um…” I blinked hard and tried to peer out the bar windows, but my phone vibrated in my hand and dragged my attention down to see another text from Greid pop up.

I’m here and I see you. DRUNK BERRY!!!

“Yeah, he’s here,” I told Corva, trying to aim us in the general direction of the door as we started weaving between tables.

The cold air made my flushed cheeks tingle when we stepped outside, Corva tottering unsteadily in her heels beside me. I looked around, taking a deep breath of cool air to try and sober up a little, before spotting Greid as he tucked his phone in his coat pocket and made his way over with a grin on his face.

“Hi.” I fumbled for his hand as soon as he was in reach. What I really wanted was to burrow under his coat with him, but I didn’t want to risk letting go of Corva. “Oh, this is Corva. Corva, this is Greid.”

He gave her a hesitant smile. “Hi.”

“Greid, darling.” Corva lurched forward, steadying herself with his shoulders, and air-kissed both cheeks. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Oh, right.” He chuckled warily, clutching my hand tighter. “You… Um, nice to meet you.”

“We’ve had so much fun, haven’t we, Beryl?”

I nodded emphatically, which made my head swim as I lost my balance. Just a little. Barely. Greid quickly let go of my hand to slip his arm around my waist and keep me steady. I beamed up at him, but my vision went blurry and it felt like my eyes were pointing in two different directions.

He snorted, giving my side a gentle squeeze. “You’re so drunk.”

“No I’m not!” I tried to glare at him, but I had no idea what expression I actually made.

“Ah, there it is.” Corva gestured at a cab idling by the sidewalk. “Beryl, text me in the week. We’ll meet for coffee before work.”

“Okay.” I dutifully lifted my chin for her air kisses. “Thank you for tonight.”

“And you, darling.” She tottered toward her waiting cab, and I felt Greid tense against me as he prepared to lunge and save her if she fell. “Bye, Greid!”

He cleared his throat. “Bye.”

We waited until she was safely in the cab and it had pulled away from the kerb. Then Greid lifted the side of his coat so I could tuck myself underneath, wrapping my arm around his waist.

“So,” he began as we started walking home, amusement clear in his voice, “did you actually have fun?”

“Yes!” I squeezed him tighter. “It was so fun. She’s great.”

“Good.” He grinned down at me and gave my head a brief scritch with his claws. “What did you end up drinking? Did you figure out your drink?”
