Page 140 of Berries and Greed

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“Champagne. So I think my drink is champagne. We had a lot of champagne.”

He laughed. “No shit. Well, that’s a good choice.”

“And Corva said you don’t get a hangover with champagne.” I was pretty sure she’d said that, anyway.

“Mmmkay. I guess we’ll find that out in the morning.”

“Yeah. Plus it’s made me really horny.”

He coughed. “Has it?”

“Yeah. Hey.” I glanced around, then sneakily slipped a hand under the hem of his sweater to stroke his stomach. “How tired are you?”

Greid chuckled warily. “Not tired.”

“That’s good.” I aimed for a seductive tone as I said, “Because I really want to sit on your face again.”

He let out a slow breath. “As amazing as that sounds—and trust me, it sounds extremely amazing—you’re drunk. So, not happening.”

“Ugh.” My head suddenly felt really heavy, so I let it loll against his chest. “But I want you to eat my pussy. You’re so good at it.”

He exhaled. “That is fantastic news.”

“I could tie you up,” I purred, kind of. It was a little slurred. “Tie your wrists to the headboard and leave you like that until I’m done with you.”

Greid made a strangled sound, fingers clutching me tighter until he stopped us and turned to face me.

“Beryl.” He cupped my face in his big hands and gazed down at me with solemn eyes. “I swear, the moment you wake up in the morning, once you’re sober, I will eat your pussy like my life depends on it.”

A scandalised gasp drew our attention to the side, where an older demiurgus couple were stepping out of the late-night convenience store we’d happened to stop outside. They looked like they were on their way home from some fancy event, dressed in formal wear, and the woman had a bottle of nightberry wine clutched in her hand.

Greid’s ears went wild. He cleared his throat and grabbed my hand, tugging me away from the store as I snickered. Once we were well away from the outraged couple and I was tucked snugly back under his coat, he cleared his throat again.

“You should definitely tie me up, though.”

Chapter Forty-Three


“How are you more awake than me?” Greid slunk down deeper into his seat on the subway, an adorably disgruntled look on his tired face. “And actually perky. You were wasted last night. It’s bullshit.”

I laughed, tracking my gaze over all the blurred faces waiting on the platform as we pulled into the next station. “Guess Corva was right,” I said smugly. “Plus, I had a very invigorating wake-up call.”

Greid had followed through on his promise from the night before, eagerly kissing his way down my front once we’d woken up to eat my pussy with a shocking amount of enthusiasm given the early hour. He’d jerked himself off while doing it, moaning hoarsely as he followed my orders to slow down, or stop completely, when I could sense he was getting close. After we’d both come, he’d promptly fallen back to sleep while I got up and took a shower.

I had been a little shaky at first, but after my shower and a big glass of water, I’d felt bright and wide awake and excited for our date. I’d let Greid sleep for as long as I could, but had eventually dragged him out of bed so we could get going.

“What’s our stop again?” I asked, watching as a few more people trudged onto the carriage.

“Dropclay.” Greid yawned, his jaw cracking open wide.

I squinted at the subway map above the seats opposite, but it was too far away, so instead, I unfolded the little map I’d picked up at the subway station while Greid was buying our tickets and smoothed it out on my lap.

He huffed, slinging his arm over the back of my chair to lean in close. “You know that makes us look like filthy tourists.”

“I don’t care.” I studied the map carefully, following the line we were on until I found Dropclay. “Two more stops.”

Then, trying to be discreet, I searched for the station called Upper Birch. While Greid had been in the shower, curiosity had gotten the better of me and I’d opened the link Corva texted me last night. The one for the demiurgus sex shop.
