Page 160 of Berries and Greed

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“Make me come, Greid.” Her eyes darkened as they drifted down to my snout. “It won’t take long.”

Okay, maybe she did like me in this form. My breaths quickened as I rubbed my snout against her belly, then moved higher to lave my tongue over a nipple, moaning at how stiff it already was. I had to sit on my heels and duck my head to reach her pussy, my hands sliding up to palm her ass and tug her closer. She parted her legs so her feet framed my knees, and when my tongue emerged to swipe over her wet pussy, a broken gasp came from above.

I moaned against her, lapping hungrily, my snout strangely sensitive as the tip of it nudged her clit and made her knees almost buckle. My tongue was bigger in this form—wider and flatter, but still ridged—and Beryl really seemed to like it, her legs trembling as she clutched at my hair and moaned with every panting breath.

“Fuck, Greid.” She strained her hips closer so I could wriggle my tongue even deeper, shuddering from how soft and wet she was, from the taste of her. I wanted to rub my face all over her and drench myself in her scent.

I swept my tongue over her cunt, letting her taste drip to the back of my throat, then lapped noisily at her clit, my fingers tightening on her ass. Fuck, I could do this forever.

A guttural sound rumbled up my throat when her hips started to twitch, her fingers clenching tighter in my hair and her moans getting louder and more desperate.

“Don’t stop,” she panted, shoving my snout deeper into her pussy. I moaned desperately against her. “You’re making me come. You… Greid—”

She cried out, legs trembling wildly as her clit pulsed against my tongue. I licked feverishly, a groan vibrating in my chest, and gentled my tongue when her hips began to jerk with sensitivity. Loosening the clawing grip on her ass, I nuzzled the tip of my snout against her clit.

Beryl twitched with a hoarse moan, fingers moving restlessly in my hair. Concentrating, I shifted back to my humanoid form and grinned up at her.

“One more?” I kissed her damp curls before sucking her clit into my mouth.

“Fuck.” Beryl jerked, but pushed my head closer. “One more. Harder.”

More than willing to obey, I increased the suction on her clit with a moan. It didn’t take long for Beryl to start shaking again, a hard groan leaving her as her hips jerked against my face. This time, when the orgasm hit her, her knees did buckle, and I quickly wrapped my arms around her to keep her upright, my mouth still latched on to her pussy.

“O-okay,” she panted, using her grip in my hair to gently tug my head back. “Jesus, Greid.”

Grinning in triumph, I kissed her pubic mound, then quickly pressed a final kiss to her swollen clit before she could stop me. She jerked with a chuckle, taking an unsteady step back.

“God, I need to lie down.” She stumbled over to the bed and collapsed onto it face first.

I followed, slinking my way up her splayed body, kissing the swell of her ass, her spine, the back of her neck. I couldn’t wipe the big grin off my face, and I knew Beryl felt it, because she chuckled as I buried my nose against the bend of her neck.

“Pretty pleased with yourself, huh?”

“Just wanted to show you how much I love you too.” I didn’t think I’d ever get used to being able to say that.

With a little grunt, Beryl twisted onto her back within the cradle of my arms as I leaned over her on all fours. She grinned at me, reaching up to cup my cheeks and squish them. “You’re the best.”

“At eating your pussy?” I asked eagerly.

She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Yes, but also just in general.”

“Aw, shucks.” I gave her a kiss before flopping onto my back beside her, tucking my hands behind my head. “I mean, I am a Greater Being, right?”

“You’re a great big dork.” She curled into my side, resting her head on my shoulder.

“Sex wizard?”

After a moment of silence, she grunted. “I’ll let you have that one.”

Chuckling, I wriggled an arm around her to play with her hair. “So, did you seriously leave work early just to tell me you love me? That’s like next-level romantic shit. Which is making me super horny again.”

Beryl laughed, but I felt her grow a little tense against me. “Well, actually I… um, I met Agma.”

I went still. That was the last thing I’d expected to hear, so my brain was struggling to process it. “Huh?”

Beryl rose on an elbow to look at me. “She came into the bar for a drink. She overheard me telling Mani about our weekend and clocked that I was talking about you. Then when I served her, she asked me if we were dating.”

“Wow.” I shook my head. “That’s… super weird.”
