Page 166 of Berries and Greed

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Una watched us all shrewdly for a few seconds, then breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in her seat as she gulped down her glass of nightberry wine.

“It’s really good, Ma,” Laki mumbled around a mouthful, their eyes heavy and bloodshot from the shade.

A chorus of murmured agreement sounded around the table. Daga and Elern were the only ones not shovelling food into their mouths as they tried to eat while balancing two babies each on their laps.

Una’s yellow eyes shone with happiness, but she waved her hand dismissively. “Of course it is.”

This was what it was like, then, to have a proper family. To have a parent who ran themselves ragged just to make their children happy. A flash of guilt went through me the moment I thought it, making me squirm in my seat. That wasn’t fair. Violet had been a parent to me, and she’d tried her hardest.

But… it still hadn’t been a normal childhood for me. It hadn’t been like this.

We’d made plans to see Violet in the new year. Greid had visited the cult before Christmas to ask if he could escort her into the city to visit me. I knew he’d been incredibly nervous, and he’d shifted anxiously in his three-piece suit as I’d kissed him goodbye before he left. It’d made me love him even more.

I was both nervous and excited to see my aunt. Nervous, because we’d be telling her that we were a couple—though now that I thought about it, I was pretty sure she already suspected I’d felt more than friendly toward Greid for a while.

I knew that when I saw her, I’d be tempted to ask her to leave the cult. Greid had already offered for her to live with us, in my old bedroom. But I didn’t think it was fair to pressure her like that. I knew she liked it there, liked the quiet, peaceful life it gave her, free from any trouble.

I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to avoid the cult forever. Violet would most likely stay there, and eventually she’d grow too old and frail to make the journey into the city, even with Greid helping her down the steps from the compound. One day, I’d have to go back when there was no other option to see her.

But I knew I’d have Greid with me when that day did come. So while it still stirred up uncomfortable feelings within me, it didn’t scare me. I was brave. I’d be able to do it as long as Greid was right there holding my hand.

“You okay?” he whispered, tangling our fingers together under the table.

I squeezed his hand and smiled at him with a nod. He gazed at me for a second longer, then leaned in to kiss my cheek.

“You two are so gross.” Kiti gave my arm a teasing nudge on my other side.

“They are not gross, Kiti,” Una piped up immediately, gazing at us from the head of the table. “They’re precious. So in love.” Her eyes grew glassy. “My little baby.”

“Jesus, Mom,” Greid mumbled, slouching lower in his seat.

“You never told me how you two met,” Nuni said, looking at us from across the table as he shovelled mashed potato into his mouth.

I went stiff, heat spreading over my face. Greid gave my hand a comforting squeeze and took a breath—no doubt to tell some unbelievable, long-winded lie—but Kiti spoke before he could say anything.

“None of your fuckin’ business, Pooni.” She gave my arm a conspiratorial nudge. “By the way, everyone, Nuni’s new nickname is Pooni.”

He sucked in an affronted breath and almost choked on a bite of mashed potato. Ears twitching, he shot me a betrayed look, clearly remembering my threat from earlier. “What the fuck, Beryl? I thought we were bros.”

Kiti slung an arm over my shoulders. “You haven’t earned the right yet, dickface. Beryl’s my bro.”

Nuni shook his head. “Not cool, dude.”

Sorin, seated beside him, shoved the side of his face. “Quit whining, Pooni.”

Laki snorted, grabbing a dinner roll and launching it at Nuni’s face with unerring accuracy. “Yeah, shut up, Pooni.”

“Dude!” Nuni snatched up his napkin and wiped at his cheek furiously. “That had butter on it! If you make me break out, I’ll kick your ass.”

“Children, please.” Una pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes fluttering shut in exasperation. “Not in front of Beryl.”

“Why am I getting roasted for asking how Beryl and Gro—Greid met?” Nuni shot me a quick, wary look before glancing around the table expectantly. “It’s a valid question. I’m just asking.”

“You’re getting roasted because you’re an asshat.” Kiti held out a hand. “Can someone pass me the gravy?”

“Kiti,” Una said wearily. “Your brother is not an… ass hat. Nuni, why don’t you tell us how work’s going?” she added, clearly trying to put an end to the bickering.

The idea of talking about himself perked Nuni right back up. “Pretty good. Record turnover in the last quarter. We’ve got our ten-year anniversary coming up, so we’re planning on holding a big event for it.”
