Page 167 of Berries and Greed

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“Ten years!” Una reached over to squeeze his arm. “I’m so proud of you, darling.”

“Thanks, Ma.” His chest puffed up, but he gave a self-deprecating shrug that wasn’t at all convincing. “It was a team effort.”

“Yeah, Team Nuni, right?” Tuvin huffed, then shot Nuni a sly grin. “Sorry, Pooni.”

Nuni lunged for the dinner rolls. “I swear to god, asshole—”

“Who’s planning your anniversary event?” I blurted quickly, because Una was pinching her nose again.

Nuni sat back and shot me a suspicious look. “Why? You an event planner? Am I allowed to know that?”

“No, I’m not,” I said calmly, “but my friend is. She’s really good.”

“Who is it?” Sorin asked with interest.

“Corva nir Feris.”

Daga gasped, staring at me from across the table. “Seriously? She’s not just good, she’s the best.” She nudged Elern. “You remember when we looked at that manor house outside the city when we were planning our matehood?”

“Uh…” Elern winced as one of the babies grabbed his ear. “Kinda.”

“It was all done up for a wedding that weekend,” Daga told me. “It looked incredible. Super high-end. I asked the manager who the event planner was and he said it was her, but that weddings weren’t her usual gig. Whoever was getting mated had paid through the nose specifically for her.”

“Oh, well.” I shrugged. “She is amazing.”

Nuni was watching our exchange closely. “So she’s the best, huh?” He focused on me again. “Can you give me her details? Please,” he added hastily.

“Sure. She’s usually booked up pretty far in advance, though…”

“I’ll get her.” He sat back in his seat and sipped his drink.

Greid coughed beside me, leaning in to murmur, “You should probably warn her.”

I snorted, picking up my champagne flute to whisper behind it, “I’d pay money to watch him try and hit on her. It will not go well.”

“Kushka,” Una suddenly piped up. “Did you tell everyone about the news piece?”

Greid sat back and picked up his fork. “The what?”

Una tutted. “The article about the lady you made a headpiece for in the fall. There was a big picture of her wearing it and they were giving suggestions on how to recreate the look. I texted you about it last week.”

He cringed, sinking lower in his seat. “Oh. Yeah. I didn’t, um, open the link.”

“Why not?” she demanded. “Everyone else did. I sent it to the whole family.”

Greid squirmed. “Why, Ma?”

“Because I am proud of all my children’s achievements and they deserve to be celebrated,” she declared.

“Even I opened the link,” Nuni piped up. “And you didn’t, Grode? C’mon, bro. Let Ma be proud of you, at least. The headpiece was decent.”

“I liked it,” Laki added between mouthfuls of beef.

Sorin nodded. “Really nice, Greid.”

I beamed with pride as Greid slouched so low in his seat that he almost slid completely under the table. Squeezing his thigh, I leaned in to bump his shoulder with mine. “See?”

“Nngh,” he mumbled, keeping his head down.
