Page 95 of Berries and Greed

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“’S’okay,” I mumbled, flexing my fingers around hers as we made our way across the basement. She didn’t let go of my hand. “So, um, what are you doing for the rest of the day?”

“Just going to chill out. Might work out later before dinner.” She glanced up at me as we began to ascend the stairs. “Are you going back to work?”

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. They felt better after spending time in my true form, but the thought of putting those fucking goggles on and hunching over that damn headpiece again until my neck and back ached made me tired.

“Yeah, guess I should.” I perked up when we reached the first floor and the smell of whatever Beryl had put in the slow cooker reached my nose. “Hey, is the thing ready yet? In the slow cooker?”

She laughed. “It’s chicken stew. And no. It’s for dinner.”

I grunted. “Didn’t even know I had a slow cooker.”

“I found it in your Room of Shame.” Beryl was still holding my hand, making my palm sweat a little as she led me to the kitchen. “Want me to heat up your coffee for you?”

“It’s okay, I’ll do it.” I reluctantly released her hand to reach for the Deep Brew takeout cup on the counter. “You go relax.”

“Okay.” She hesitated, then stepped closer and reached up to cup my jaw. When she gave my head a gentle tug, I ducked down eagerly, my eyes sliding shut in bliss as her soft lips pressed to mine.

It was a sweet kiss, not deep or filthy, but fire still raced through my veins as she let go of my face and smiled up at me. I stared down at her, my hearts pounding, my prick waking back up.

“I don’t want to go back to work,” I heard myself blurt. Beryl chuckled.

“Well, the sooner you do, the sooner you can finish for the day. And then we can have stew and watch Gloom Falls. Or maybe a movie? Ooh, or wrestling.”

“No, Beryl, I mean…” I swallowed, wordlessly opening and closing my mouth a few times before blurting, “Do you want to hang out in my room?”

I immediately winced. God, what was I, fifteen? Should I ask if I could touch her boobs to really round off the embarrassing question?

Beryl blinked in surprise, before something that made my insides squirm with anticipation heated her gaze. I heard her breath catch as her eyes darted to the side, down the hall to my bedroom door.

“Sure,” she said slowly. “We can do that. If you really don’t have to get back to work.”

“I got a lot done this morning, so it’s fine.” I set down the coffee cup, then picked it back up, then set it down again. “I’ll have that later.”

I cringed again, worried she thought I was assuming… stuff would happen.

God, I hope stuff happens.

“You don’t have to,” I burst out. “We can just hang out in the living room. I wasn’t—I’m not trying to—”

“Greid.” She took my hand again, giving me a smile that made my cock jerk eagerly in my pants. Calm down, buddy. “Show me your room.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


Greid’s room was exactly how I’d imagined it.

Not that I’d been able to picture it, but it just fit him. Black panelled walls covered in artwork and tapestries. A huge bed with a wrought iron frame that sat low to the ground. It was unmade, of course, and piled high with blankets and pillows.

An ashtray sat on the nightstand, fighting for space alongside several half-full glasses of water and a stained-glass lantern with a melted pillar candle inside. Clothes were strewn everywhere, including all over the enormous beanbag in the corner under the window. A huge TV dominated the wall opposite the bed, above a wide, dark wood dresser cluttered with candles, strange knickknacks and random items like deodorant and a hairbrush.

I looked around with interest, taking a few steps inside. There was a closed laptop on the other nightstand, the bottom drawer of which was hanging open. I spotted something bright green and definitely phallic in shape before Greid rushed past me to kick it shut with his foot.

My mouth twitched as he sheepishly said, “Sorry. Uh, sorry for the mess.”

“It’s fine. It’s your room. You can have it however you want.”

It wasn’t dirty. The bedding looked clean, and all the surfaces were polished, the air smelling sweet and smoky—a mix of shade and the scented candles Greid loved so much. It smelled like him. I wanted to get into that bed and breathe it in.
