Page 96 of Berries and Greed

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Greid was hovering nervously by the bed, looking like he had no idea what to do with me now that I was in here.

But he’d invited me in for a reason. He was just too shy to say it.

Be brave, I thought even as my belly fluttered with nerves at the notion of dipping my toe into Domming—not that we were going to jump in at the deep end. We hadn’t discussed it enough yet, but I had a good idea of how to make this a memorable experience for both of us.

I didn’t think there was a seductive bone in my body, but I tried to make my slow walk toward him look somewhat sultry. I had no idea if I succeeded. Greid was frozen in place, his yellow eyes wide as he stared down at me.

It had been comforting to see his familiar, handsome face again when he’d shifted back to this form down in his deeproom, but I hadn’t been exaggerating—his true form was beautiful. Alien and beastly, the lines of his long body somehow strangely sensual. He was almost lizard-like in that form, especially his face, with its long, pointed snout and the frilly spikes decorating its bridge and the slope of his forehead. His skin had still been jet black but more textured. Tougher looking. Like it repelled dirt.

It had been cute and a little creepy to see that full, lustrous head of hair still flowing around his monstrous face and rangy shoulders, his frondy ears poking up between the gleaming strands. His muscles had grown lithe and sinuous as his limbs elongated from his increased height, and I would’ve assumed he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him if it hadn’t been for the adorable curve of his belly he’d still possessed in that form.

That didn’t mean he hadn’t been almost intimidatingly strong and agile. I’d grown a little breathless watching him run around his deeproom. The speed at which he’d moved. How quick and sure-footed he’d been scaling the wall and leaping between the stalactites.

But I loved this side of him too—the more human-looking side. The long, gangly, slightly awkward limbs. The little belly giving the front of his baggy sweater a slight curve. The unfairly gorgeous, model-esque hair and sharp planes of his face, and the cracking smile lines giving me hints of his sharp teeth.

“I think…” I reached out and tangled my fingers through his, feeling his hand immediately tighten on mine. “I think you deserve a reward for being so good and answering all those questions for me.”

Greid’s breath caught, but he still didn’t move except for the bob of his throat. “R-really?”

I smiled up at him, sidling closer and sliding my other arm around his hips. I could feel the base of his tail under his sweater, and god, I wanted to slip my palm down and grip his ass. I ogled Greid’s ass every chance I got—which wasn’t often, given how much he lived in his giant hoodie.

My cheeks grew hot as I parted my lips to speak again. I felt a little awkward, a little embarrassed, but I pushed through it. It was just a new muscle I had to strengthen and grow. Hopefully it would come easier with time. “You were such a good boy for me, Greid.”

His reaction was instantaneous, his breath hitching again, his yellow eyes softening and turning pleading. Heavy. His cock—his ridiculously long cock—bucked against my stomach, still half hard from when we’d been talking downstairs. I couldn’t feel the barbs through the layers of our clothes, so I pressed closer, a grin tilting my lips when a tiny croak escaped him.

“Do you want your reward now, Greid?” I purred, the words coming easier in the face of how they affected him. The urge to give him whatever he wanted burned in my belly.

This sweet, kind demiurgus who’d given me so much—who’d given me freedom. But that wasn’t the reason why I wanted this with him. It wasn’t a trade. I just wanted him.

He swallowed thickly, still clutching my hand, his palm clammy. “Y-yes,” he whispered. “Please.”

That ‘please’ was so sweet, so genuine, that it made me fist the back of his sweater as I tamped down my desire. I’d heard pleas from partners before—when they’d been begging me to let them come after teasing them for a long time. When they’d whined for a blowjob because I’d told them they couldn’t fuck me. That one guy who’d begged to ‘just put the tip in’ because surely it wouldn’t hurt me. I still wasn’t sure if he’d known how much of a self-burn that had been.

But this ‘please’ felt different. It felt honest and guileless, and it was Greid.

I stepped back, raising our linked hands to kiss his knuckles before releasing him. “Get on the bed for me, Greid.”

He scrambled to obey, clambering gracelessly across the bed to kneel in the centre before gazing at me in silence as his hands flexed at his sides.

I smiled, walking around the bed to stand beside the big trunk pushed up against the footboard. I could already tell which side Greid slept on. The nightstand was a big clue, obviously, but there was also a long, Greid-shaped dent in all the blankets and pillows. Fondness tightened my chest, made my eyes soften as I stared at him.

We’d already kissed and orgasmed together, but this—being in his room—felt so much more intimate. This was the part of his house he’d been able to keep for himself after allowing me free rein in the rest of it. He may not have thought it was a big deal—in that sense, at least—to invite me in here, but it was affecting me. More than he had been already.

“Lean back against the headboard,” I rasped, my voice husky with emotion. Not just lust, but something deeper. When he immediately obeyed, I knelt on the end of the bed and gently palmed his calves. “Good boy. You’re such a good boy for me, Greid.”

The words were coming much easier now, because I meant them. I was desperate to make him feel good—to show him how wonderful he was, how he deserved the pleasure he craved just as much as anyone else.

But I wasn’t just here to shower him with praise. He wanted me to take the lead. Tell him what to do. Boss him around.

I’d eagerly read up even more on D/s dynamics when I went to bed last night. I knew a part of it was pushing a sub’s limits in the ways they’d consented to. We were just starting out, so I wasn’t going to go in guns blazing. I knew Greid’s hard limits, and I wasn’t going to even touch on anything we hadn’t discussed. I’d start small and feel my way.

“Take off your clothes for me, Greid.” I grinned at him, sliding my palms up and down his calves. “Time to show me that big cock of yours.”

“F-fuck,” he breathed, chest already rising fast. He reached for the hem of his sweater, throat bobbing with a swallow as he began to pull it up.

The moment his stomach was exposed, I couldn’t help it—I leaned down and pressed a kiss just below his navel before nuzzling the thin green line that descended into his pants. Greid made a strangled sound, muffled by the sweater around his head, his stomach muscles twitching under my lips.

I sat up as he finally got the sweater off and dropped it on the bed. He licked his lips as he reached for his fly with trembling hands. His cock was already a long, hard column stretching down the right leg of his jeans, and my hand itched to rub it through the denim, to map out its length.
