Page 97 of Berries and Greed

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I resisted, waiting not-so-patiently as he fumbled with his fly and lifted his hips to tug his jeans and underwear down over his ass. My gaze grew heavy as it fixed on the hairless root of his cock, that green line fading to his usual skin colour just above the base. The bottom of the shaft was smooth—free of barbs, but deliciously veiny. Then I saw just a hint of those barbs appear, barely visible, before Greid lifted his knees to shove his pants all the way off in a rush.

I actually gasped when his cock swung free, arcing through the air to smack against his torso. I almost winced—Christ, it was heavy enough to have almost winded him from the impact.

Holy fuck. It was… obscenely big. I’d thought I would be prepared for it after watching all that demiurgus porn. But it was one thing seeing a miniature version of a gigantic porn-star dick on my phone screen. It was another entirely seeing it right in front of me, in the flesh, right there. Available for me to touch.

“God, it’s so big,” I rasped. Greid had been walking around with a third leg in his pants this entire time.

Greid had been sitting beside me every night, eating and watching TV and getting high, with this beast just in his pants, just casually resting there.

The barbs spiralled around his length, growing in size until they were about a quarter inch long under the sleek, tapered head. They were alien to me, but strangely elegant. His cock was black like the rest of his skin, but the barbs had the same dark green sheen as his claws. They flexed as his cock twitched, stretching well past his navel. Almost to his freaking ribcage.

“W-well, I mean, it… gets bigger when it’s hard,” he said, hands clenched on the sheets either side of him.

His words broke me out of my daze, and I snorted as I looked up at him with a grin. He was chewing on his lower lip, ears fluttering non-stop as his legs shifted on either side of me. I was seated between his calves, and when I palmed his shins, his thigh muscles jumped at the contact.

He looked nervous. Vulnerable. A spike of anxiety tightened my gut as I worried that I wasn’t doing enough to put him at ease. He had to be feeling overly exposed—he was naked in front of me for the first time, and I was fully dressed, sitting between his legs with a front-row view.

“You’re gorgeous,” I said quietly, knee-walking closer as I slid my hands up and down his legs in what I hoped was a soothing touch. “Tell me how you’re feeling, Greid.”

His cock looked painfully hard, and the pre-cum beading on the tip was clear with a smoky tint. I already knew—from the porn, of course—that demiurgus cum was a dark grey, almost black, with an oil-slick sheen when the light hit it.

That had been almost more shocking than the spiky cocks. Yet another thing I was glad I knew in advance.

“I’m okay,” he said hoarsely. “Just… a little nervous. What, um, what about you? Are you going to…”

I paused as I figured out what he meant. When his yellow eyes darted down to my shirt, I realised and gave him another smile. “This is about you, not me. It’s your reward for doing so well for me.”

His breath shuddered out of him. “B-But I—I want to see you too. I want to touch you so bad, Beryl.”

A tiny part of me wanted to gently reprimand him for pushing back, for trying to control the situation, but he was learning—we both were. We were both figuring this out.

“I’m on my period,” I reminded him.

His brows furrowed. “I don’t care.”

Squeezing his thighs, I spread them wider and heard his breath catch in his throat. His cock twitched, generous balls lifting toward the base.

“I’m not feeling like being touched today,” I told him gently, then gave him a smirk as I trailed my fingertips over his inner thighs, feeling the muscles jump. “But seeing as you’ve been such a good boy, I’ll compromise.”

Releasing his legs, I unbuttoned my shirt and tugged it off, then unhooked my plain black bra and dropped it on the mattress before looking at Greid.

His jaw had gone slack, yellow eyes heavy as they fixed on my breasts. His cock flexed, lifting off his stomach to smack back down with an audible thud.

God, I was pretty sure no one had ever reacted so strongly to seeing my tits before. Not that they weren’t great—in my opinion, at least, and apparently in Greid’s. They were small, and my nipples were a dusky pink that grew deeper in colour at the tips—which were stiffening rapidly under the weight of Greid’s heavy gaze.

“Fuck.” He swallowed thickly before finally, reluctantly, tearing his gaze away to look me in the eyes. “You’re… you’re beautiful, Beryl.”

God, he was so sweet. Dipping down to kiss his knee, I let my nipple graze over his shin. He sucked in a breath, leg twitching.

Sitting back up, I tugged my pants down my legs, lifting one knee at a time to get them off. I was left in my panties, which were plain black and big—pretty much reaching my bellybutton. Not exactly designed to be sexy or seductive, especially with the white wings of my pad stark against the gusset, but Greid’s hips shifted at the sight of me, his cock flexing again.

“Beryl.” He swallowed, fingers twitching around the sheets. “Please can I—”

“Who’s in charge here, Greid?” I gently reminded him, lifting a brow to give him a stern look.

His reaction was immediate and kind of amazing. He shuddered, sinking back against the headboard, his whole body growing loose and pliant.

“You are,” he whispered, cock flexing up off his belly again, a little trail of pre-cum shiny against his dark skin.
