Page 163 of King of Death

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I had no idea where he was, but something was telling me to do it. Something was telling me that he’d be able to hear me.

“Lonan!” I shouted again.

The forest was silent, only the gentle crash of waves coming from the empty shore behind me. Then I jumped out of my skin when an ear-splitting roar filled the air.

An enormous dark shape rose from the forest, blocking out the moon for a brief moment. I saw jagged wings spread wide, a narrow neck and tapered head, black scales that gleamed in the moonlight as Lonan roared again, this one filled with desperation.

“Lonan!” I screamed his name until my voice was raw, letting him follow it. The sound of powerful wings flapping filled the air, the trees rustling in great ripples from the force, getting louder and louder until the huge beast appeared over the forest.

Solid-black eyes flared in the dark, before he was swooping down with immense speed. Lonan shifted just before he hit the sand, stumbling as he ran towards me, his eyes wild with fear and panic.

“Ash.” He almost knocked me over as he slammed into me, arms squeezing me painfully tight.

I buried my face in his neck, fingers clawing at the back of his shirt. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell you where I was going. I’m sorry.”

“Are you alright?” He pulled back and cupped my face, worried eyes scanning over me. “Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.” I clutched the front of his shirt, a watery smile tilting my mouth. “I’m fine.”

He let out a shuddering breath, eyes briefly closing in relief. When he opened them again, his gaze slid over to Hybra—just a small dark blot in the distance—and grew wary. “You went there?”

“Yes. I had to because of the deal I made with Gadleg for her venom. I couldn’t tell you about it. I’m sorry.”

He tensed, grabbing my hand and pulling me further up the beach, like he wanted to get me as far away from the isle as possible. “Is it done?”

“Yes.” I smiled at him, pure relief making me sag. “It’s done.”

He nodded once, relaxing slightly against me, his dark eyes solemn as he gently pushed my wet hair back from my face. “No more deals with the Higher Spirits, Oak King. For either of us.”

I chuckled unsteadily, shifting closer to wrap my arms around his neck. “Sounds good.”

“And no more vanishing,” he murmured before kissing me soundly, smiling against my mouth. “You turned some of my hairs white.”

I broke the kiss with a laugh. “No way.”

“Yes.” His mouth twitched. “I found them.”

“You’re only twenty-nine! You’ve got centuries left. I don’t believe it.”

“You know I can’t lie, Oak King,” he said with a tiny smile, then wrapped his arm around me to lead me into the forest. “Let’s go home so I can show you. And get you dry.”

I flushed, glancing down at my dripping front. Lonan’s shirt was almost as wet as mine now. The thought of a bath and hot food was making me sag into his side. It felt like I could sleep for days.

“To the cottage?” I asked hopefully. It was still the place we went to be alone together, when we both wanted a break from the courts and everything else.

“Yes. I’ll send word to Nua and Gillie that you’re safe. I’ll call back all my guards, and they can call back yours.”

I squirmed with discomfort at the thought of both courts out there searching for me, of how worried my brother and Gillie must be. “Sorry.”

“I know what bargains with the Higher Spirits are like.” He leaned over to kiss my cheek. “You’re back. You’re safe. Nothing else matters.”

“So… a dragon, huh?” I asked as we walked between the trees, everything still and dark and quiet around us. “That’s a new one.”

He huffed. “Well, you can control all snakes but Gadleg. I hoped it would let you summon me if you were hurt or trapped somewhere.” He smiled over at me. “And it worked.”

It had. I melted into his side, resting my cheek on his shoulder, my eyes sliding shut as I let him lead me through the forest.

