Page 38 of King of Death

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It was cool and dark in here, the light from the windows blocked by rows of tall bookcases. Dust motes floated in the shafts of sunlight that managed to splash their way across the floor, the wooden boards warped and ancient.

I couldn’t hear anything, but I began striding down the length of the room, peering between bookcases until movement up ahead made me stop.

Lonan appeared, tense and frowning, a book in his pale hand. When he saw it was me, he relaxed, and a tiny smile curved one corner of his mouth.

“You’re back.”

My heart thumped at the sound of his husky voice. At the sight of him, his black shirt loose and untucked over his leathers, the top half of his silky dark hair tied back in a knot. He was so beautiful it made my throat close up. Made me start striding toward him without even answering him.

The moment I reached him, I pushed him back against a bookcase and crushed my mouth to his, thrusting my tongue inside. He grunted in surprise, the book slipping from his hand, and then he was threading his fingers through my hair and kissing me back with just as much force.

Our tongues thrust together hungrily. There was nothing soft or slow about this kiss, but it was making my chest get hot and tight with urgency, making me desperate to get as close to him as possible. To reconfirm what I had gained after coming face to face with everything I’d lost.

To remember why it was all worth it.

I could feel him getting hard against my own stiffening cock, his hips pressing forward as I palmed his ass and squeezed. I slid my hands round, working them into the scant space between our bodies to fumble with the lacing on his trousers, unable to stop kissing him for even a moment.

He groaned against my mouth when I pulled his cock free, squeezing it with hot fingers before cupping his sac, wanting to feel every part of him. I finally tore my mouth from his to attack his neck, lips and tongue and teeth making their way feverishly down until I sank to my knees.

Lonan’s breath caught, hands flying back to grip the shelves either side of him as I nuzzled the tiny nest of jet-black hair at the base of his cock. It was silkier than mine, not as curly or coarse, and I groaned low as I breathed in his scent before mouthing the side of his shaft.

One hand shoved his shirt up, holding it out of the way while the other wrapped around the base of his cock so I could tilt the head towards my mouth. I circled the tip with my tongue, eyes sliding shut in utter bliss from the clean taste of him, chased by just a hint of salt as his cock pulsed.

Long fingers pushed my hair back from my face as I sank my mouth over his cock, cheeks hollowing with a deep, slow suck. Lonan cupped the back of my head, and his chest was heaving when I glanced up at him through my eyelashes.

He was already watching me, hooded eyes unfathomably dark, lips parted around his shuddering breaths and cheeks sweetly flushed. I drew my mouth up his cock, moaning raggedly around it, holding his gaze so he’d see just how much I had missed him. How much I loved him and wanted him.

I gave his cockhead a wet, sucking kiss, dipping the tip of my tongue just inside the slit to make his hips twitch as he gasped above me. Then I licked down one side of his shaft and back up the other, feverish desperation driving me to lick every inch of his cock, to lavish him with attention, to remind him why he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Lonan was breathing hard now, his cock throbbing against my cheek as I pressed my tongue to the base where it met his sac. I stuck my tongue out, gazing up at him through heavy eyes and grasping his hips in encouragement. He dragged his cock over my waiting tongue, shuddering when pre-cum spilled as I flicked the head with the tip.

Then he was tightening his grip on the back of my head, long fingers snagging in the curls, and holding me steady to plunge his cock inside. I groaned gutturally, my own cock throbbing in my trousers. His jaw clenched before his head fell back against the bookcase, hips bucking to slide his cock in and out of my waiting mouth.

The sound of the door opening at the other end of the room made us both freeze. We could easily be spotted, tucked just between two rows. I almost didn’t care, but Lonan was pulling me up and dragging me deeper between the bookcases. I stumbled after him, dazed and still feeling the weight of him on my tongue. He shoved me back against the bookcase and kissed me with a low moan.

I could hear someone moving around at the other end of the library, humming softly to themselves as they walked slowly down a row. I was relieved to realise it wasn’t Nua or Gillie—I would’ve recognised their voices straight away—because Lonan was slicking his tongue into my mouth and rubbing his straining cock against my stomach, dampening the fabric of my shirt.

I bit back the groan that tried to escape, panting against his mouth and reaching down between our bodies to hurriedly undo the lacing on my trousers. Our cocks met, mine burning hot, with wetness already smeared over the head, my hips immediately straining forward to rub myself against him.

There was a soft, “Ah, here it is,” from the other end of the library, followed by the sound of a book being slid carefully from its shelf as Lonan and I kissed frantically, silently, hidden between the bookcases. The moment I heard the door being closed, followed by retreating footsteps in the hallway, I tore my mouth from Lonan’s and spun to face the bookcase, shoving my trousers down to the tops of my thighs and rucking up my shirt.

Lonan groaned unsteadily, long fingers sliding up my sides to hold my shirt out of the way, allowing me to reach up and grip the shelf by my head so tight my knuckles bleached and my branch fingers creaked. I pushed my hips back, eyelids fluttering when I felt his long, slender cock slide between my cheeks, still damp from my mouth.

His hands roamed feverishly as he thrust against me, sliding over my stomach, up to my chest to thumb my nipples, making me gasp. He pressed his nose to the nape of my neck, panting against my hot skin, nuzzling at my wild curls.

Neither of us had spoken, but I was being unfailingly clear in what I wanted as I pushed back against his cock again. He leaned back, and my balls tightened when I heard him spit, felt his knuckles brush against me as he slicked up his cock.

The warm weight of it vanished before he splayed his long fingers over my ass, thumbs spreading me wider. He spat again, and my cock leapt when I felt wetness land on my hole before he smoothed it with his thumb, pushing just inside.

I was gasping for breath, my face hot, shirt sticking to my back with sweat. Just as Lonan’s cock started pushing inside, the door to the library opened yet again. I almost screamed at them to fuck off, but Lonan wasn’t stopping. I could feel him trembling as he covered my mouth with his palm, steadily tunnelling his cock deeper until his hips were flush against me.

My eyes rolled back in my head, frantic breaths heating his skin. Lonan bit off a gasp as he eased out before sliding back inside in a long, languid thrust. Somewhere in the library, someone muttered to themselves as they walked between the shelves.

I wondered what would happen if they found us. Would they be outraged, make a scene, or would they not dare to interrupt their king getting fucked in the palace library by his unseelie assassin lover? I wasn’t willing to stop—evidently, neither was Lonan—so I guessed we were potentially going to find out.

After another minute of achingly slow thrusts and quiet panting breaths from both of us, the door opened and closed again, all other sounds ceasing as the person left. The moment the latch clicked, Lonan loosed a shuddering groan and slammed his cock in deep.

I choked on a breath, gripping the bookcase tighter as he started pounding his cock inside me, hard and fast and frantic. One hand splayed over my sternum under my shirt, holding me in place for his manic thrusts, while the other squeezed my hip so hard it hurt.
