Page 50 of King of Death

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Then I drew it down to his cock with a wicked grin. “Show me.”

Lonan went still, his eyes growing even more hooded. Slowly, he wrapped his long fingers around his cock and gave it a loose stroke.

The last of the lingering unease faded as I watched him, gripping the tops of his thighs to keep them spread wide. My dick strained with envy in my trousers, skin prickling with heat at the sight of him touching himself.

“Tighter,” I rasped, gut clenching when Lonan’s fingers flexed around his length. “And faster.”

His breath caught, eyelashes fluttering as he sped up his strokes. Soon, pre-cum beaded on the tip of his cock, and he stretched out his thumb to smear it over the head, shuddering with pleasure.

“Don’t stop.” My breaths grew faster, sounding ragged in the quiet room. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, trailing my fingertips up his inner thighs until I could brush them over his tight sac.

Lonan jerked with a moan, hips flexing up to get closer. His legs shifted, wrapping around me to dig his heels into my lower back and tug me closer. He stroked his cock faster, beginning to pant. “Ash.”

“Don’t stop,” I croaked again, cupping his balls before running my fingers up his straining length.

Lonan’s breath left him in a rush. He released his shaft to grab my hand, curling my fingers around it instead. “Touch me.”

I took over, groaning at the feel of his cock in my hand as it throbbed. Licking my lips, I rasped, “Put your hands over your head.”

His dark eyes flashed as he lifted his arms, letting them fall onto the pillow. I groaned again at the sight of him stretched out before me, feeling the rough slide of the wood of his branch leg against my clothes, breathing in the familiar scent of him as his skin grew warmer, watching his beautiful face grow tight with pleasure, lips parted around his panting breaths and hooded eyes so dark as they watched me back.

I don’t want him to go. I don’t want him to be on the other side of the forest, so far away from me. I don’t want to spend a single night without him. I won’t be able to handle it.

I needed him, more than I’d ever needed anyone or anything. I needed to know that after a long, difficult day, I would get to have this. Him. That I would be able to wrap myself around him and forget everything else that was going on, just for a few hours.

I needed him to remind me that all the terrible things that had happened hadn’t been in vain. That some good came from it all. That we had each other, despite everything, despite all the ways we’d hurt each other and those around us. That we’d fought for each other, and we were still fighting for each other.

That our lives weren’t going to be easy, but it would still all be worth it. Because I’d have him, and he’d have me.

“This is all I want,” I told him hoarsely, stroking him in my fist. “You. You here with me. Both of us happy and safe. And together. I won’t let anyone tear us apart again, Lonan. I won’t let anyone hurt you or take you from me.”

Lonan’s eyes tightened, a gasp of pleasure escaping him as his cock bucked in my hand, spilling pre-cum onto his lean stomach. “Ash.”

“I need you, Lonan. I need you here with me.” Throat closing up, I whispered, “Please don’t leave me.”

Please don’t go back to unseelie. Not yet. Give me more time.

“I—” Lonan swallowed, long fingers clutching at the pillow under his head as his cock grew even harder in my fist. “Ash.”

The insidious fae urge to trap him in a promise rose with sudden sharpness. To make him vow never to leave me, to promise me that he would stay. I forced it back and concentrated on stroking his cock, speeding up my fist as my other hand dipped to cup his tight sac.

Lonan gasped, thighs trembling as they shifted restlessly over my legs. His head tipped back into the pillow, chest heaving, hips straining up in erratic jerks to meet my pumping fist.

I saw his body tighten and start to shake before a low, hoarse groan left him. Cum shot from his cock in long spurts, painting the pale skin of his chest and stomach. My dick throbbed at the sight, but I ignored it to lean down and give Lonan’s cockhead a gentle suck. His hips twitched as he relaxed into the bed, letting out a long breath. One of his hands came down to thread through my curls as I licked up the release on his stomach.

“You’re really off from your duties all day tomorrow?” he asked, his voice husky.

I smiled, moving up to kiss him. “Yep. All day.”

Unless Morrin comes back with more news about Abar and what he might be planning. Or about the forest getting hotter. Or if Balor tries to do something. Or if we hear about something happening on unseelie with the Carlin.

“Are you alright?” Lonan asked, smoothing his thumb over the deep furrow that had appeared on my brow. I smiled, trying to clear my expression.

“How can I not be? I’m with you.” Settling my weight on him, I buried my face in his neck and breathed him in. “The best part of my day.”

Chapter Sixteen

