Page 49 of King of Death

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I mumbled it back, breathing a sigh of relief when the doors shut behind me and I continued down the hallway. Peeking into the dining room, I saw a single cloche waiting at my usual place, whereas Lonan’s had been cleared. Guilt pinched at my insides. Dinner was one of the few times we got to spend together, and I’d missed it.

When I opened our bedroom door, I stopped dead at the sight of Lonan sprawled naked on the bed, lying on his belly with one knee cocked. Lust and love mingled with the guilt still swirling inside me, the latter growing stronger as I stared at him.

Should I tell him? About what was happening to the forest?

I had to. I didn’t want to hide things from him. It was bad enough that I was hiding how unsettled I felt. How out of control my emotions were. I couldn’t hide this, not when it pertained directly to him and his future kingdom. The place he came from.

But… not now. I didn’t have to tell him right now. I’d only just found out myself. And I had something better to tell him—something positive for once.

Exhaling a quiet breath, I shook off the unease still gnawing at my gut and tugged off my boots before padding over to the bed. He was asleep, I realised, his hair still damp from a bath, his thick drying cloth discarded beside him on the bed.

Climbing onto the mattress, I carefully crawled up his body until I could place a kiss on the twin dimples at the small of his back. My eyes slipped shut as I breathed in his scent, cool and crisp like winter smoke.

Lonan roused as I trailed more kisses up his spine. He sucked in a breath, then stretched with a little grunt, making me smile against his skin.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to doze off.” His voice was husky from sleep, sending lust shivering down my spine. “I made the mistake of lying down after my bath.”

I chuckled, reaching up to push aside his hair so I could press a kiss to his neck. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I missed dinner.”

He sighed, and when I lifted my head I saw his eyes fixed on nothing as he said, “It’s fine. I understand.”

The guilt returned, clawing away any pleasurable feelings. I didn’t want him to think about it anymore, so I quickly asked, “Guess what?”

Lonan shifted his cheek on the pillow, black eyes darting to the side to look at me as I hovered over him. “What?”

I grinned, dipping down to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I have the whole day free tomorrow.”

He turned onto his back within the cage of my arms, long legs spreading to frame mine. “Really?”

“Yes. I told Nua I wanted a day off so we could spend time together.”

His black eyes grew wary. “You and Nua?”

I huffed, darting down to kiss him. “Me and you, obviously.”

“Oh.” Pleasure flittered over his sharp features, his lips curving into a tiny smile. “The whole day?”

“Yep. We can do whatever we want.” Lowering myself onto my elbows, I nuzzled his cheek before making my way to his neck. “We can stay in bed all day…” I said between kisses. “Or we can go somewhere. Whatever you want.”

Lonan tipped his chin up to give me more room, hands slipping under my untucked shirt and sliding up my sides. “You know I will pick bed all day while you’re doing that.”

I chuckled, trailing my lips back up to press a kiss to the soft skin beneath his ear. “You don’t have to decide right now.”

“Good.” He sighed with pleasure, kneading my shoulder blades beneath my shirt and making me want to melt.

After kissing the shell of his ear, I made my way back to his mouth and crushed my lips to his. Lonan’s fingers tightened on my back, hips shifting as our tongues glided together. I pressed my lower body to his, moaning when I felt the stiffening length of his cock against the front of my trousers.

Breaking the kiss, I grinned against his mouth. “You know, I really love it when you’re naked and I’m not.”

He huffed, hands sliding down to grip my ass. “Oh? Why is that?”

I shrugged, shifting back to sit on my heels between his legs. My gaze trailed down his lean body to the flushed, slender cock resting on his belly.

“Maybe because I’m the only one who gets to see you like this. It’s like you’re sharing a secret with me.” I smoothed my palms over his hips, lust tightening my insides as I grinned at him. “Do you remember the first night in the cottage? After you walked me home from the village?”

Lonan’s black eyes flared with heat. “You think it isn’t seared into my memory?”

I shifted forward to hover over him, giving him another kiss as I grasped his hand. As I sat back, I brought it to my lips and pressed a kiss to his palm.
