Page 80 of King of Death

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My mouth trembled. “But I want to help him—”

“This is something for Lonan to do on his own.” She squeezed my hand. “Seven days.”

I knew I wasn’t going to change her mind. I was trying so hard not to let my temper flare, but when I saw Mol saunter back into the room carrying several bottles of wine, my patience wore thin.

“I don’t want a drink.” I tried to keep my voice calm.

“Bah.” Mol waved a hand after setting the bottles down on the table. “A drink will calm you—”

“Perhaps another time, my dear.” Fioda stepped closer to rest a hand on her muscular arm. “Let us leave Ash in peace.”

Mol frowned, glancing at me, then the bottles, then Gillie and Nua watching in silence. She huffed, huge shoulders slumping. “Oh, alright. Another time.”

“You will be able to find me if you need me.” Fioda gave me a brief smile as she led Mol out of the room.

The moment they were gone, I scrubbed both hands over my face. “Fuck.”

“I’m sure Lonan will be fine, lad.” Gillie approached cautiously. “Why don’t we—”

A sharp rap on the door cut him off. It opened a split second later, the chief spy, Morrin, stepping into the room.

“Luad?” He glanced at all three of us, his face as blank as ever. “I was told I’d find you here. I’ve been waiting in the throne room for our meeting.”

Fuck, it never stopped. For a split second, I thought I was going to burst into tears. Or throw one of the wine bottles at Morrin’s head. To stop myself from doing either, I pressed the heels of my palms hard into my eyes until pinpricks of colour appeared against my closed lids.

Nua spoke up. “I’m sure the Luad appreciates your dedication, Morrin, but perhaps now isn’t the best time.”

There was a pause, and then, “Of course. I just thought the king may appreciate an update on the noble Folk—”

“What?” My head snapped up, mind immediately filling with terrible things. “Are they doing something then? You’ve seen them? Are they conspiring with Balor to hurt Lonan?”

If they were, he could be at risk. He could already be hurt, or Balor could have found him and done something terrible. My gorge rose. I didn’t want to think about that sick fuck being anywhere near Lonan.

“Nothing of the sort, Luad,” Morrin said calmly. “Prince Nua’s assumption was right. Abar was simply going into the forest to buy cheaper goods. Grape seeds, actually,” he added. “Some of the noble Folk bartered for a patch of land outside of the town. They are growing a vineyard to make wine that they plan to sell.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “What? But… No, surely that can’t be right. Abar was acting suspiciously—”

“As I said before, Luad, the only suspicious thing was a noble fae going to Orna’s market at all, purely because it was somewhat unusual. We have followed him and the other noble Folk as you directed. They have spoken to no unseelie, including Balor. They have done nothing wrong.”

My hands clenched into fists as I stared at him, lips thinning with anger. “How is that possible? They were… The way he looked at Lonan that day—”

“Ash.” Nua laid a gentle hand on my shoulder. “Remember what I told you before—many of the Folk are very wary of Lonan. And many of the seelie hold prejudices against any unseelie. That was the mindset the Brid fostered, and habits are hard to break. That doesn’t mean they are conspiring against you or Lonan. Morrin has no reason to hide the truth from you.”

“Indeed,” Morrin said mildly. “I assure you, Luad, that if I or my spies had seen the noble Folk doing anything else remotely suspicious, we would tell you. They aren’t exactly the most well-liked among the Folk.”

I was breathing hard through my nose, still glaring at Morrin. A sickly feeling rose in my stomach when I realised I was… disappointed. I was actually disappointed that I had no reason to punish Abar and the other noble Folk.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

“I appreciate the update.” I looked away quickly, feeling horribly disconcerted that I was reacting like this. I didn’t want Morrin here anymore, worried he might see it in my face. “You can stop following them.”

He inclined his head. “Yes, Luad. I will return tomorrow to update you on other matters.”

“Wait,” I blurted desperately before he could leave. “Did you—Have you seen Prince Lonan? Here or… or in the forest before you came here?”

“No, Luad.”

My chin wobbled, so I turned away quickly with a nod. “Alright.”
