Page 114 of Outdrawn

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3 years later

"I can't believe you got us out here…sweating for…a…" Tyson swallowed, trying to catch his breath.

"A teddy bear," Seline finished, her hands were on her hips as she shot daggers at the lavender bear mocking us from his display shelf.

"Come on, guys." I cracked my neck and repositioned the plastic gun. "Just a hundred more points. It's crunch time."

I'd come to the carnival every day since they'd set up with one mission, and one mission only: get Noah this damn bear. The teen at the counter wouldn't sell it to me because that was against policy. And even if I could fork over the cash, something in me wanted to win it, so it'd feel more meaningful. Special.

I had wanted to get all the points on my own but as the proposal date quickly approached, I caved and compromised. Tyson and Seline were down to help…until they realize just how rigged this whole game was.

"We can do this." I wiped sweat off my brow and closed one eye before aiming. "Don't quit on me now."

"Never," Tyson said and had to practically crawl back to the booth to pick up his gun.

Seline took a swig from her beer and nodded. "Let's win that son of a bitch."

I nearly choked on my laughter at how they shouted their battle cry before firing.

"For Noah!" we all declared and gave our final round of shots everything we had.

The teen smiled after he tallied up our points. "That gives you just enough for the bear and some left over for three Jolly Ranchers." He gave a slow, mocking clap.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Seline declared and jumped to chest bump with Tyson. The poor girl was so tiny she nearly toppled over. I caught her and joined their circle of celebration.

"We did it, thank God." I jumped around with them for a second before grabbing the bear off the counter. "What Jolly Rancher you getting? It's y'alls payment for helping."

"Blue," Tyson said with enthusiasm.

"That's the only right answer." Seline agreed.

I laughed and chose the same as I held the bear close against my chest. Seline and I sucked on our candy as we made our way back to the parking lot. With the bear in hand, everything felt more real. My heart pounded at the thought of tonight. What I wanted to say and how Noah would respond. We'd talked about marriage but only in abstract terms. One days and maybes. But as she'd grown in her career at Harpy and I found my place at Kraken Comics, I felt more secure in myself and life than ever before. And there was no doubt in my mind that Noah was my everything. I wanted to make it official, celebrate it, and give her a memory that would remind her I was in this forever with her.

"Nervous?" Seline asked around her candy. Her tongue was already a deep blue.

I shook my head and tossed my arm over her shoulder. We'd gotten closer over these past few years. I'd gotten closer with everyone in my life after leaving Harpy. Turns out, freedom equaled time and space. And that'd been exactly what I needed to get my head out of my ass and start appreciating my friendships.

"Not really," I said. "Just…ready. Maybe a little anxious about stumbling over my words. I don't want to embarrass her once she shows everyone the video."

"So you are recording." Tyson nodded in approval.

"You should livestream it! Invite all your Inkmic fans!" Seline suggested. "You two are royalty on that site. Their queens are getting engaged. It's momentous."

I made a face and laughed. "No way. I want it to be a private moment."

"Respectable," Tyson said.

"Boo." Seline sighed. "You're no fun."

I laughed. "So are you two being in our bridal party or what?"

Tyson eyes widened, touched. Seline snorted.

"Well duh." She poked the bear. "After everything we did for you, we deserve to stand up there and weep during the vow exchange."
