Page 115 of Outdrawn

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"It'd be an honor," Tyson said, already sounding like he was going to choke up. Just wait until he heard I wanted him to be my man of honor.

"Send us the video as soon as you two stop celebrating," Seline made me promise as we said our goodbyes.

I nodded as I strapped the bear onto the back of my bike.

"She's going to say yes," Tyson assured when he got a look at the small spark of panic eclipsing my face. I knew that…Or, thought I knew that. I didn't doubt this was something she wanted. But there would always be a possibility, right? I swallowed because after all my hard work with setting things up, it was possible this was the wrong time for her.

"I'm terrified," I admitted and slouched on my bike's seat. "Holy shit. What if she says no."

Seline raised her brows, shocked at my change in demeanor. My confidence was in the wind, replaced with throat-drying dread.

"I can't breathe." I tapped my chest. "She's so…everything and I can't breathe."

"Sage, Sage," they repeated.

"Relax." Tyson squeezed my shoulder. "You're going to do fine. She's going to say yes."

"You two are wrapped around one another's fingers, of course she's going to say yes," Seline said and snatched Tyson's unopen Jolly Rancher to give to me.

"Hey!" he protested.

"Take that for luck," Seline said. "Let it be a reminder that your team's behind you, always. Noah's a part of that team."

Tyson sighed but nodded. "You got this."

"Thanks." I sighed and shook out my shoulders. "Sorry, I lost it for a second."

"Happens to the best of us," Seline assured. "Now, go our girl to marry you."

Noah had spent the majority of the day at her place. So, when I pulled into my driveway to see her car, my stomach dropped. We'd exchanged keys after a couple months of dating. And since then, took turns staying at each others place. It'd been her weekend, which was why I hid the flowers in my room. Along with all the other decorations I needed to put up before convincing her to come over and help me look for something that wasn't lost.

I bounded up the stairs, taking two at a time. If she just stayed in the living room, I could salvage this. I could get Noah back to her place and decorate. Maybe I could call Amaya to distract her for a couple of hours. Those two had a lot to talk about every since Amaya moved back from California with plans on starting her own production company. She wanted Noah on board as a writer. Noah was too nervous to accept. They could have a back and forth while I scrambled to fix everything.

"Pastel!" I called as soon as I opened the front door. "Where are you?"

Please don't say bedroom. Please.

"In here!" Her voice came from the living room.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief and stuffed the bear into the broom closet. I hurried to met her, only to be cut off when she came into the hallway. Her eyes were wide and cheeks round with a nervous smile. I reached for her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and kissed her.

"Very." She nodded. "Just…you're earlier than I thought you'd be."

"And you're here when I thought you wouldn't be…" I raised a suspecting brow. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." She shrugged. "What about with you? You're all sweaty."

"Nothing." My tone matched her defensive one. We both laughed.

"Okay, okay." Noah shook her head. "Close your eyes. I have a surprise."

"That's my line."

She frowned, confused. "What?"

"I have a surprise, too," I said.
