Page 43 of Replacement

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He must wake up just then since his body gives a little jerk, and then he rolls over on top of me, fumbling through a series of kisses until he finds my mouth.

It’s exactly what I want—what I need—so I kiss him back, squirming shamelessly beneath the delicious press of his body.

As we kiss, William pushes up my little camisole, baring my breasts. Then he lowers his head until he can take one nipple in his mouth.

I cry out uninhibitedly at the sharp tug of pleasure. As he continues to suckle, I arch up into the sensations and try to wrap one of my legs around his hips. I can’t stop moaning, my voice too loud, too enthusiastic. I can’t seem to think. Can’t possibly control myself.

I want this—him—so much.

After a minute, the exquisite torment of his mouth on my breast is too much. I claw at his shoulders and beg him to stop. We both fumble with our clothes until we’ve gotten them off. Then he rolls back on top of me, parting my legs and settling there until he’s lined himself up at my entrance.

His face is above mine again, only a few inches away, and we are panting with equal urgency.

“Please, please, William,” I gasp when he hesitates, the tip of his erection teasing me.

“You want me?” His voice is so thick it’s almost unrecognizable.

“Yeah, yeah, I want you so much.” I lift my pelvis, desperate to feel him inside me.

“For real.”

“Oh God, yes. Please.”

“I wantyou, sweetheart. Fuck, I want you too.” Then, at last, he slides himself home.

I gasp loudly as he enters me, the pressure deliciously tight. It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, and this feels as right as anything ever has.

William freezes, holding himself above me. My eyes are blurry from sleep and desire, but I can dimly see his features twisting with pleasure and effort. “Oh fuck, you feel so good.”

I can’t wait any longer. I start to ride him enthusiastically from below, making childish little bursts of sounds as the friction satisfies my deepest ache.

William gives a muffled groan and then begins to thrust. His motion is fast, hard, clumsy, just as out of control as mine.

I drag my nails down his back, my gasps turning into sobs as an orgasm tightens. William is riding me hard, shaking the bed so vigorously that the headboard bangs against the wall. He’s huffing out rhythmic, wordless sounds that are hot and primitive and exactly what I want to hear.

I arch up off the bed as my climax breaks, crying out loudly as the intense pleasure moves through me. As my channel clamps down around his shaft, William loses it too. He jerks through a series of clumsy thrusts as his face transforms with transparent pleasure. Then he’s coming inside me, letting out a relieved exclamation that’s almost as loud as mine.

The spasms last a long time, but eventually we’ve worked through them with lingering moans and little jerks of our hips. He collapses on top of me at last, and I hold him as tightly as I can, relishing the release of so much tension and the deeper pleasure of having given him what he needs.

But, with the physical urgency finally gone, the last groggy haze of sleep lifts. William must have been half-asleep in our lovemaking too, or he wouldn’t have let go so quickly and so completely.

I never should have done this.

He’s heavy and hot and relaxed on top of me, his face buried in the hollow of my neck. He’s pressing clumsy kisses against my skin and murmuring out something I can’t quite understand.

It sounds almost like my name. My real name. Jade.

But that’s ridiculous. Nothing more than wishful thinking.

William thinks he just had sex with Amber. Not me. And this is wrong—utterly wrong—in so many ways.

A torrent of emotion overtakes me before I can stop it, and I push at William’s shoulders almost desperately. I have just enough sense remaining to mumble out an excuse. “Sorry. You’re kind of heavy, and I need to go to the bathroom.”

He finally rolls off with a groan, and I scramble up and run into the bathroom.

I sit down on the edge of the tub and cry, smothering the sound as much as I can.

After a few minutes, there’s a tap on the bathroom door. “You okay?” William asks from the hall, sounding controlled and natural.
